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Everything posted by yamayamayama

  1. Another vote for The Muppets. What a great movie. Loved it.
  2. ...they say "samui desu ne" and it's 29C outside.
  3. In fact, ippy, check this out for inspiration: http://www.snowjapanforums.com/index.php/topic/21861-gambarimasho/
  4. My friend and I have decided to explore the area a bit and going to take a car up there sometime in January for 10 days or so.
  5. I am going to spend up to 10 days in the Minakami/Katashina area next winter. Decision made, details later.
  6. Minna, kore kara isshukan, gambarimashou!
  7. I think I have been generally lucky with my neighbours on flights.
  8. Anything thick and spicy does it for me. Those Kettle crisps are great too.
  9. Rumor has it "retina" Macbooks. Sounds nice that.
  10. I saw that. Perhaps pressure from increasing reports about Unit 4. Interesting that it made one of the main Japanese news programs. At the end didn't they qualify it by saying that the pool was ok, but there's no saying what would happen if the top of the building topples on top of it.
  11. Seriously? Even if they are expensive and have essentuially nothing wrong with them?
  12. "New" active fault found near Mt Fuji, calling all Gotenba area residents! 富士山東麓の地下に長さ約30キロ・メートルの活断層がある可能性が高いことが、東京大学地震研究所の佐藤比呂志教授(構造地質学)らによる調査でわかった。 この断層が動けばマグニチュード7級の地震を起こす恐れがあり、山の一部が崩れる「山体崩壊」の引き金となる可能性も否定できないという。千葉市で20日から始まる日本地球惑星科学連合大会で発表する。 活断層が見つかったのは、富士山東麓の静岡県御殿場市付近。陸側のプレート(地球を覆う岩板)に、伊豆半島を乗せたフィリピン海プレートが南側からぶつかる境界とみられる場所で、これまでに確認された活断層「神縄・国府津―松田断層帯」の西側に続いている。
  13. I used to have a mini, in fact it was my first car. Brings back a lot of memories does that.
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