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Everything posted by gnarly-dude

  1. That ichiman yen comment is not an actual correct number is it Mr Wiggles, presuming just a 'placer'?!
  2. Sorry yes I did get it sorted. I took your advice about fannying about with everything and that seemed to work, pie-eater. No idea what was going on there I had never seen it like that before. Anyways all good now. Thanks.
  3. This is strange. Usually when I'm in nihongo mode, and I type a-r-i-g-t-o-, it comes out in the proper hiragana, but right now it is appearing as this チスキチカラナ What the flips going on there?! And how do I fix it, anyone?! Thanks
  4. South Area looks good. Pity its a slower lift now post-quake.
  5. Or how about Angus McAbe. Angus is a cool name.
  6. Large amounts of cash sound better. You can buy the peanuts later.
  7. Let me guess. Preparing to come home / arrived at Narita. Kando arigato! Those bowel movements again!
  8. Well, that's not for me either! Just think lining up like that is mad. Go somewhere else and walk onto lifts.
  9. Nowhere is worth lineups like that. Not for me. I wonder if lots of those people think Japanese skijo are just like that.
  10. Damn the lady was watching Sleepless in Seattle last night. Something about Meg Ryan that really bugs.
  11. Niseko is mercilessly shredding up Hakuba, Nozawa and Myoko into little pieces and laughing in their face this year. It's like it's saying in a sarcastic tone 'you want to challenge me? Ha!'
  12. That's cool. I put in just "a" in the top search, and got what is probably a complete list. Tsugaike still wins!
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