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stripper on coke

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Everything posted by stripper on coke

  1. Yeah, I agree, it's a bit much, but, a 'drop by' kind of involves getting around the ticket thing - I haven't paid for a ticket in years to any kind of event (including festivals, the World Cup and F1) in Japan. I'm hoping to continue the legacy......... For anyone who's interested, my apartments include parking, and I don't care if you bring a fully loaded bus with 30 people....if you can fit it in, you can park here. Heck, for a case of beer, you can park at mine without even staying.....
  2. what about the raw egg in a glass trick ?? Saw Rocky drink a few of them before training - is that supposed to be good for you.....
  3. Anyone going ????? Seeing as it's just down the road, I think I'll pop along and see what's going on. Being more into the dance scene then anything else, I'm not real sure who the line up is all about, but I do remember Primus from my youth, so I wouldn't mind checking them out..... For anyone who's interested, I have a couple of apartments available for the festival weekend - much more comfortable then the ol' tent, I assure you. Only a few minutes walk from the festival entrance. Send me a PM, and I'll give you more details. Hope rainy season in Naeba is over by the time the
  4. well, the 'Shoe' done it again last night. Nice to see the McLarens running closer to the front then they have for a while. Still, I would like to see Schumacher pass someone on the actual racetrack, rather than all this tacticle thing where he makes all his moves while everyone else is stopped in the pits. I understand the Farrari team is obviously superiour, both in tactics and horsepower, but being a former motorsport competitor myself, I would really like to see him pass another car while under race conditions. But, I guess at the end of the day, a win is a win, right..... But,
  5. Davo, is there any other colour/foul performer's undergarment combination we should be wary of.......
  6. I think it's really irresponsible of the English press to advertise his personal details or encourage people to contact him at home like that. Surely that is more damaging to the English football reputation then 'hooligans'. I mean, if England were to be denied entry to a major tourament because of the lack of maturity shown in some quarters of their press.....I know there is no talk of anything like that happening (yet), but......... BTW, not having seen this 'no-goal', I thought the general reaction here was that the ref got it right. Did he, or didn't he........??????
  7. Found this acticle, it's about the movie, Fahrenheit 9/11, but it's an interesting take on the whole media circus that's been going on over there for a while now about the film - kind of ties in pretty good with the discussion going on here too about Fox, etc... ------------------------------------------------------------- June 30th, 2004 3:42 pm Village Voice: "The Attack on Fahrenheit 9/11: Fox lays back while ABC and NBC pile on" Press Clips: Mauling Michael Moore: The attack on Fahrenheit 9/11: Fox lays back while ABC and NBC pile on By Richard Goldstein / Vil
  8. Indeed Siren, but, what can I say.......unless any of you guys have been sleeping in my bed, I guess I'm just going to have to take some responsibility and see this one through....
  9. Sony Cybershot is incredibly easy to use, and the software is really simple too.
  10. Be careful guys - I've had a mobile phone in my pocket (never on my belt) for years, and it didn't slow mine down any. My wife is preggers, 4 mths now......
  11. For the Midnight Oil fans amoungst us, have you heard about this............I guess being a stout liberal would not have sold so many evrionmentally inclined records in the past. Wow, I always pictured Peter Garrett speaking on behalf on the planet, and the Green Party. Not changing sides now that he's a major legal firm partner. I guess the political retirement fund pays better then the mechanical royalties he currently recieves from record sales. I imagine the liberals have a better tax plan for people in his wealth bracket also...... I guess it's a different person who was the l
  12. here's link to some interviews and old tracks and stuff from jjj in Oz. Some interesting stories....... http://www.abc.net.au/triplej/jfiles/files/s1133443.htm
  13. Italy's finest ?????? John Hooper in Genoa Saturday June 26, 2004 The Guardian A group of 29 Italian police officers, including the country's anti-terror chief, go on trial in Genoa today in connection with a brutal attack on protesters at the 2001 G8 summit and an alleged plot to justify the violence using fabricated evidence. About 200 police, revenue guards, prison officers and paramilitary carabinieri stor-med the makeshift head-quarters of the umbrella protest group, the Genoa Social Forum, on the night of July 21 and began hitting people - many of them in sleeping ba
  14. Did you guys see this in the Guardian ? "Urs Meier is bracing himself for a barrage of abuse from England fans after his email address was posted on internet message boards. The Swiss referee Urs Meier angered millions of supporters when he ruled out Sol Campbell's 89th-minute header which would have earned a semi-final place in Euro 2004. And furious fans yesterday vented their frustration by posting his personal email address on internet forums." Anyone here sent him a message ??????
  15. Hay, sorry if it upsets you - I just don't like police officers ok. You guys can go ahead and respect them all you like....... Oh, what the hell - if it makes you feel better, I tell you what, I'll try and respect them some......... nahhhhh, didn't work..........
  16. Why is it stupid to have a low level of respect for corrupt public officals ???? Why is it stupid to have a low level of respect for publicly emplyed thugs ????? Sorry if you guys don't share my view (remember, we're all entitled to our own opinions). I can understand if you want to respect the 'law' - I think I can see why you would want that. However, I don't believe in the integrety of the Police. Sure, there are a few good cops about, but for me, these good ones are far overshadows by the degerate pigs that most of the others are...... Basiacally, I don't rely on a police force t
  17. Sorry Plucky, not sure what you mean by "Instead of focussing on what the history is going to be, we need to continue to remind people how we got into this war and who brought us into it. Show the people what was said by Bush and monkey boy Blair, show what their INITIAL reasons for sending troops in was for......Not all this hooplah going on now...it's a smoke screen." I think the reason the war was started, and what history is going to say about this war is one and the same thing. The reason we were forced to go to war and sacrifice all these young lives was because of the 'sexed up' re
  18. let's hope the boys will be fit by then, hu.....heat shouldn't be a problem this time though....
  19. now if those police guys didn't do anything wrong, why would they be reassigned ????? They should be charged and face a jury like anyone else who is caught (on camera) breaking the law. Who cares if they break the law while wearing a discount badge ?
  20. need we mention Australia and Howard.......heads are about to roll all over the place, hu..........
  21. There was a lot of talk last night (england/protgual) on the bbc radio 5, (thanks again Montoya and Nofackie), pregame commentary about the Italian referee, Pierluigi Collina It seems Mr Collina has reached the age of mandatory retirement in Italy's Seri A league, and as such, is being forced to retire. It appears as if FIFA doesn't have such a rule, so Mr Collina is still eligable to officiate at FIFA championship games, etc in the future. All the talk on the radio last night was about the possibility of Mr Collina moving to the UK and becoming a premiership referee. To me, th
  22. Does anyone think Beckham is a truely world class player ??? Even before he went to Real Madrid, in his last few seasons at MU was he really 'world class' ??? Aside from some very good free kicks and crosses, I personally, have never seen anything to suggest he can turn a game around single-handedly as say, someone like Zidane, or Ronaldo or Rivaldo can....hell, I would name the whole Brazilian team as having, individualy, more talent and finesse on the pitch then Beckham could ever hope to have. That's 20 odd people if you count the bench as well........ Credit where credit is due t
  23. Oasis headlining ????????? Are those twots still together - surpised one brother hasn't taken the other one out by now....... Haven't been to Glastonbury, but did go to the Reading Festival (quite) a few years ago now. Took in a few other festivals as well when I lived in the UK - mad experiences......mind you though, 100,000 people is just too many for my liking. Give me 800 people and a 2 day outside dance party any day......... Doesn't it always rain at Glastonbury ????
  24. Read reports about the england squad practicing penalty licks from the spot. I'm not sure what exactly there were practicing, but it certainly didn't appear to help any........ One thing that does interest me thought.......why is it that the coaches/managers share the responsibilty for losses, and the players take all the spoils for winning ???? I understand the coaches may make the tactics, etc. But surely with the amount of money being paid to the likes of Beckham, Owens, and Co, and the amont of 'professionalism' being talked obout in todays game it must be about time poor result
  25. Does anyone really think Iraq's sovereignty is actually going to mean anything ??? I mean, are they really going to become a self governing nation without the interferance or meddling of the outside world (ie United States) ????? I don't think so......... Still too much oil for Bush and the rest of his Texan theives to turn their backs completely on Iraq just yet. I also think, just because a ceremonial sovereignty is announced, does not mean we have been saved from another Vietnam. I bet my proverbials that after June 30 (if indeed national recognition is given back to Iraq
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