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Everything posted by mattlucas

  1. Well like Fattwins said we should get back to the original topic. How big is a 4.5 tatami room
  2. So its not New Zealand's finest beer like the bottle said. I was fooled. " title="" src="graemlins/cry.gif" />
  3. WOW I really like the last jump where the skier stalls on the rail. They just keep going bigger and bigger. Where will it end.
  4. I agree with MistaSparkle. Full House was horrible. Another one that goes on that list is Happy Days or was it Happy Dayz. Has anybody watched You will never guess my secret identity Raccoons
  5. I have to give my props to the New Zealand beer Steinlager. It was great. Not the best I have ever had but it was pretty good.
  6. It was sarcasm at its poorest. I am not gay and I have no problem with gay people. If your happy all the more for you.
  7. what would be the response if I had posted thats homosexual Is that a more a PC thing to say.
  8. My mistake it is 5000 a month. I messed up after you thought it was 5000 a day. That would be alot of money.
  9. Quote: Originally posted by s_f_g / sam: 5, Port Douglas We have a Port Douglas in BC at the north end of a 60km lon lake called Harrioson Lake. It is in the middle of nowhere and home to a couple dozen or more natives. You couldn't possibly mean this place.
  10. I didn't realize that Degrassi had gone global. That is great for Canadian TV. It was such a great show. Way better than Saved by the Bell or Fullhouse with those little twins who have themselves become stars. There are like a dozen videos with them as teenagers doing stupid stuff. I bet they end up in porn when they get older.
  11. Yup it is 5000 yen a month but i should probably keep that to myself to limit other posters from attacking me about petty things like the slang above.
  12. are the japanese vids mainly jib stuff or big mtn included
  13. Pepsi is the best of the two but Vanilla Coka isn't all that bad either. But after working hard a cold pepsi can only be beat by a cold beer
  14. really. The old nintendo games are different. Thats gay. As for the rent I am so happy. That meen more money for gear (or beer) which I always love buying.
  15. I have never slid a rail but I imagine on skis you could castrate yourself on somthing like that.
  16. I found out my rent today is going to be 5000 yen I am so happy. I also get some old video game. Hope they are Nintendo cause then I will bring my games from home to keep myself busy. Also I did the grad thing today. Feels great to be finished that. BA in Geography.
  17. I especially hate metallica now. I bought some blank CDs the other day and had to pay a couple dollers extra because of there stupid lawsuit. So what if I want to burn music. Maybe they should be going after the big websites that hold there songs instead of the consumer. Why do I have to pay extra for blank CDs when I am going to use them for data as well.
  18. I started when I was 6 when my dad gave me my first pair of handmedown skis. 17 years later and I still havn't tried snowboading. I have also wanted to give it a go but never wanted to waiste a day of skiing. I would much rather try telemarking now though. Skiing will always be my first sport. Why quit now when there is still so much to learn.
  19. I always had this argument with friends about who we would want to do. Liz or Spike I think Spike was way hotter than Liz but some people seemed to like the shaved head with bangs look. Have anybody seen Degrassi Next Generation. Spike is hot in that one. So is Kaitlen. Not sure how to spell it.
  20. Only Canadians will remember this one. Degrassi I have seen every episode. I like this show so much because it is just co Canadian and cheesy. It also used real life actors being that they were ugly. Not like the models on 90210
  21. I guess the concession is to get a car. Hopefully I can afford it. My predessor who is also named Matt is staying for another year in Takayama but in a new job with JET. He is from Colorado and skis a lot I guess. I will have to ask if he has a car.
  22. Quote: Originally posted by mogski: No problems leaving Japan on UA with a 30kg bag of 2.2m in length loaded with skis, boots and clothing for week long trip. 2.2 metres. Those must be some big skis. Totally oldschool or just big bag
  23. Beer all night. Sounds like some sort of happy land where women walk naked and beer flows down rivers.
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