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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. I hate relying on Japanese persons to speak English, I feel really ignorant (probably because I am). How long does it take to get conversational ? I mean I am having weekly lessons, on basic phrases....
  2. They can read it no problem. And some know how to speak it, it's the pronounciation where comm. breaks down.... Learn some basic phrases befor you come, it'll help and give you a head start.
  3. American - British, I don't care as long as it'S progressive and not the same old tripe year on year. As for hip-hop, France has some great stuff, I recommend Sian Super Crew, and MC Solar. There's somthing about French that makes it sound super sexy....even if a bloke is singing! Jungle, Drum + Base and Garage are all British styles aren't they? Are they popular in North America?
  4. " title="" src="graemlins/cry.gif" /> You hurt my feelings.
  5. How about adopting kids, is that perverted or whatever? Personally I think in later life I will. I'll have loads if possible, but NOT yet.....
  6. Kintaro I respect people until they loose my respect. Your point is valid. So is mine. Suing should be a last resort, not a whim. Jared I'm talking from the perspective of someone who belives they've got a genuine case, which implies a certain degree of honesty. And the erosion of this type of moral obligation is no more evident than in the 'quick buck' culture of America. Like it or not that is criticism. Should someone be made to pay and take a further kick in the teeth for something the genuinely believed in....?
  7. I've written a little bit of poetry. I once read some to a friend. "That doesn't rhyme though." Never again. Like SF I wish I had the talent and like Ocean I wish I could waste it.
  8. It's inprobable. The aforementioned bus is packed with a slobbering toothless mass of 70+ ers, who gaurd their scones with their lives. Any kind of attempted hijacking would surely end in disaster unless equipped with: a) Spinach (they love it) a small child so they can pinch his/her cheek and wipe stuff off the childs face using spit and a hankey.
  9. Ocean what your saying is that people should be punished for filing suits that are frivilous. But doesn't that suggest that these people are cynically filing suits that they don't believe are genuine. And if they do genuinly think they have a case for suing, why should they be 'punished' if it, for various reasons, fails? I agree that court action is an important freedom, but isn't it the fault of society if people think these freedom is there to be used and abused on a whim? In my opinion the pressure of a quick fix/ get rich quick culture that seems predominant in the USA is the ro
  10. Zweglen, what do you mean by touring? As touring to me is old people taking bus tours to old places like Castles etc and maybe stopping off at a tea room for scones with jam and cream? Somehow you don't seem that kind of girl.
  11. Kintaro There is a difference between holding people accountable for their actions and using common sense. IF YOU EAT AT MACDONALDS YOU WILL GET FAT! THE END. Don't be so defensive, I'm not gonna start slagging of Americans or accusing you of trying to take over the world. All I'm saying is that if you look to the law ALL THE TIME and stop using your common sense, what sense have you got left? None. You'll end up senseless. Do you want America to end up a nation of senseless fools who need someone/thing to make decisions and rulings on everything that happens?
  12. Aki Suing is a VERY American thing. I think it's a national past time over there! I was reading about some guy who was 20 stone (280 KG) and tried to sue Macdonalds for making him fat, what an idiot..
  13. Fair enough, I understand your point, but I disagreed on the "smoke screen" bit. International trade is definatley an issue i feel strongly about. You might wanna take a look at this sight: www.maketradefair.com It's what Chris Martin, the screaming student from Coldplay has written all over himself when he goes on stage! I would be interested in this middle way though. I think that Bush and the USA are an easy target a lot of the time.
  14. Yes lets donate $400 billion to developing countries like DR Congo, where the money would got straight into the hands of corrupt officials, create a huge arms race, further destabilise the entire region, fuel ethnic clensing and endanger countries like Botswana etc that are showing signs of economic progress. Whilst also allowing terrorist cells who have a proven track for carring out massively damaging acts to establish themselves in every corner of western Europe and North America etc. The way you just dismiss terrorism is ignorant and dangerous. I take it you've never lived in fear of
  15. This is a little of subject so sorry. Miteyak I don't quite see how Bush is setting the world agenda. I'd say it's the likes of Al Quieda, Israel - Palestine, North Korea, DR Congo etc. They're setting world agenda. They're presenting the most difficult problems, which developed countries have to take the responsibility to resolve and how we do that is infuenced by the US. Personally I'd prefer Hilary Clinton not to get the presidency. Whoopi Goldberg is where my moneys going.
  16. If so I'm definatley up for an internship in the Whitehouse!
  17. I like kids for maybe a few hours, but when they start crappin and cryin I'm outta there. O11 I think you should've thought twice about having kids, there's only room enough for one hyper-argumentative know it all in this world, lets hope it's not in the genes eh?
  18. nekobi the other name your struggling for is TRACEY. ughh sends shivers down my spine. Kev, Trace, Daz, Shaz. I wonder what the Japanese equivilents are? This thread is quite interesting why did ANY of you even bother posting your kids name, when you wouldn't dare post your own? I understand your proud of yer kids name, but whatever happens the minute they walk into school be sure that they will be mocked!
  19. What happens when one of the couple wants kids and the other doesn't....? Peoples ideas change in terms of what they want from a relationship....
  20. I'm guessing from a recent pole that most users are early 20's to mid 30's. Do you think you'll still be skiing/ boarding into your 40's and 50's ?
  21. How about the persons name? Country of birth/ residence? Failing those it's a case of common sense isn't it? I wouldn't hesitate to use black, carribean, west indian or Oriental, Asian but only if totally necessary such as describing someones apperance to a friend.
  22. Do you think that 2,500 quid is a possibility in a year? Or would I have to live like a hermit?
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