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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by mikazooki

  1. well i would like to make a plug for irrational numbers. far better an irrational number than an irrational woman. ------------------------------------------ i is the square root of -1 (it's a grammar thing)
  2. that guys not even trying to find good modifications
  3. u see, therein lies my problem. i have a definite mistrust of prime numbers. i appreciate their independance, and fully support their decision not to form a pattern. very bold, even beautiful. but u definitely can't rely on a prime number. like gypsies. ...perhaps its jealousy
  4. do you like odd or even numbers? i like even numbers and multiples of 5
  5. u can also read the original source for the odd good story http://www.thenation.com/
  6. nah, i was exaggerating (and its a actually a sales tax). it's only 180%, and thats only on the price over 7000 Euros. Below 7000 Euros its only 105%
  7. don't know of the movement, but have been aware for some time that this world aint the place i'd most like to be. the only societies i think i would like to be part of are rapidly being eaten up by globalisation and consumer culture. and i, to my own discredit, am nothing but a part of the cancer.
  8. as another example...look at the shaken complaints in other threads. and compare this to countries like denmark or singapore that have addressed the issue of high levels of car use with licence fees that represent 100-200% the value of the car, and annual taxes that cost in the $1000's. then the japanese rip off doesn't seem so bad.
  9. aye, tis true. the real solution to many of these issues is to pay the real cost for what we do. unfortunately many of the most damaging acts and behaviours are actually subsidised by governments because they lubricate our economies and help them grow. internalising the externaties of our economic activity is the challenge. but it will never happen unless people are aware of the consequences of their behaviour and become willing to accept the alternatives a more sustainable lifestyle would entail. the reality for us richies being less - not the 'more' that everyone strives for
  10. the aussie one includes air travel...maybe i should've just recommended one
  11. ok... here are a couple of GHG emission calculators. pick your country and see how you go (u'll need your utilities bills) USA OZ Canada and the US EPA site has a selection of calculators if u don't like those other ones
  12. Quote: Sea-Level Rise Current best estimates for sea-level rise—1.0–2.5 mm/yr—represent a rate two to five times higher than that experienced in the past 100 years. Even with assumed stabilization of global greenhouse gas emissions, sea level is projected to continue to rise beyond the year 2100 because of lags in climate response. Regional differences will exist as a result of wind and atmospheric pressure patterns, regional ocean density differences, and oceanic circulation. For Temperate Asia, sea-level rise is projected to be slightly below the global mean value around the Ok
  13. my family just came to town and they were inquiring as to that smell. i wasn't sure what it was, but i noted it had a dubious likeness. all i could say was - it isn't me.
  14. the angels - am i ever gonna see your face again joe dolce - Shaddap You Face smurfs - the smurf song always trying to help, dims
  15. i too was first onto the cider. the price i think was major factor. cider, then malibu (or some cheap imitation) then goon... but it didn't take long to work out a few extra dollars were well spent. i could never work out why my mates brother (who didn't get along with my mate that well) always went to the significant effort of riding down to the nearest bottlo to satisfy our alchie desires. when i cracked 18 tho, i found myself doing the same drawn out chores for those agedly challenged aquaintances. yeah... i remember cider.
  16. that is an interesting question! i would venture to say that seeing out of the tank into the above ground environment can't be very reassuring for aquatic life. it would really place a significant question mark over your basic assumptions of reality. i suppose taking this into consideration, simple things like putting a blanket over the tank when u masturbate might help your fish keep it together mentally.
  17. my friend had a pet fish, but it suffered from some psychiatric problems, so it wasn't all that relaxing. make sure u don't buy a neurotic fish. u will probably spend a lot of time together, and if your fish is freaked out, soon u'll start freaking out too! before u know it, u'll both be screaming whenever u lay eyes upon each other. or perhaps even worse, u may both try to pretend nothing is wrong. that could start getting really uncomfortable. i recommend thinking very carefully before making a final decision.
  18. i'm a semi-vego. we never have cook meat at home, but have fish once or twice a week. never order meat dishes when out. but meat dashi/stock is fine. i have also eaten tebasaki(sp?) in the past. i decided to loosen up and start eating some chicken, but it never really caught on. i would eat chicken again if i really felt the urge. just don't seem to get the urge.
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