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Everything posted by slow

  1. Quote: Originally posted by me jane: Leaving the curtains open helps if its a nice sunny day. It gives me the energy to get out of bed but if it's cold & raining it can have the opposite effect... The only weather that gets me out of bed really quickly is snow. I still get that excited kid rush when I see everything white outside. Not sure if it would be so efective if I lived in one of the snowier parts of Japan though. Yeah, I like waking up with the sunrise, too. I wake up before 5am in summer and enjoy watching beautiful sunrise from my bed. But I am very poky in the morning es
  2. I had artichoke tea from Vietnam today. It has sweet scent and interesting flavor. I can't say I liked it or not.
  3. I finished my season with good tree runs at Kandatsu yesterday and nice BBQ in Hakuba last weekend. kind of sad now...
  4. Huh, that's interetsting! You should get back with her again. She is nice.
  5. Your sailing boat sounds like in a bad condition. I'll help you out if you want to fix it during GW. Have a nice Europe trip!
  6. Markie, it was really nice seeing you again in Hakuba! Glad to hear you enjoyed skiing. Yes, I was there just for you. I'm wondering if the girl feeding you was your GF. I thought she was very nice girl.
  7. Quote: Originally posted by Mr Wiggles: Murren Mr.W, where is it? Is it around that Meitetsu cottage area or Misorano pension area? I have to go back to Hakuba for checking Pan de Campagne! By the way, why you were not there, mr.W? You didn't want to have a party with us?
  8. Heeeey fjef, is it time to sail?
  9. Quote: Originally posted by Toque: Quote: Originally posted by Fattwins: I didnt think slow and her friend would be such party machines I was impressed At the SJ party they kind of just layed low and chatted This time they were out pillaging and plundering with the boys Pillaging and plundering doesn'd sound nice. We were just there and doing nothing. Such a cute yellow vacuum, boys just wanted to make Fattwins happy.
  10. This is pretty embarrassing, I was just wandering around the town when you guys having fun in the mountain. But I found my favorite bakery in Hakuba on Saturday. "Pan no Yama" near the 47 bakes addictive-free bread and baguette I had this morning was very good! EBC, that slideshow was very cool. I hope to become able to ski BC in a few years...
  11. Toque, she said they explored somewhere by themselves and were waiting for us in the house behind the house we borrowed blanket.("borrowed", am I correct?) But he fell asleep on the couch and she was waiting for us outside. She was more upset about Mami, though.
  12. I had a great time, too. It was fun night, especially after the BBQ was pretty fun! It was also relaxing and mellow weekend that I wanted to have. Thank you Fattwins and all the people who I met at the party.
  13. OK ok, I put my boots and Hoglofs jacket in my Ospray bag. I baked Ghiradelli double chocolate brownie tonight for the weekend. We'll get to Hakuba around noon on Saturday. See you there.
  14. It is hard to decide what to do in Hakuba this weekend but I'm thinking of having a relaxing weekend. I'll be there just for Markie, BBQ and onsen. I may take my road bike if the weather looks OK, though.
  15. s_monkey, you are not working in Yokohama anymore?? How will you get to Hakuba this weekend? I can't decide if I want to take my skis and boots with me this weekend. Fattwins, do you know the condition at the top of Goryu now?
  16. Quote: Originally posted by fukdane: How were the moguls slow? Hard and icy? I expected heavy, wet spring crud. But it was pretty cold and snowing on the weekend. Powder in the morning but snow getting hard and icy in the afternoon.
  17. Yeah, Kagura was still winter. Patrol needed to remove snow under the lift on the weekend. WTS, I'm sure that you'll have a good weekend! I may go there on the 22nd and 23rd again. That lift on the very top of the Kagura was open on Saturday but closed on Sunday because of the wind.
  18. Ogasaka is the only Japanese ski manufacture which survived after bubble burst. Seems like Ogasaka is popular among racers and ski demonstrators in Japan. Ogasaka didn't have this type of ski before. This is the ski Sasaki Daikei uses. The Hoglofs shop guy recommended Vector glide. I like this simple design. http://www.vectorglide.com/top.html
  19. Sorry for not replying soon. Markie, it's OK. I didn't talk about him here because this is shortsighted relationship to me. He is very interesting guy, Sunrise knows about him. I can enjoy my life in Tokyo thanks to him and learn so many things from him. However, I know I'd better think about my future more seriously. I should improve my career prospects and I still want to believe I'll be happy with nice husband and kids. If I say marriage or kids in front of him, he will laugh at me. I and Yoko will be there. Is anyone else going to this party from Tokyo? What about fjef and Kai?
  20. I took a mogul lesson this weekend. My short turn skill was improved. But I am still scared of the deep ditch. I guess I have to overcome this fear. But I was thinking like this all day today..."for what?" I think this short turn skill is useful when I ski off piste, too and that's enough.
  21. Hey Tsonda, it was perfect weekend. Too bad you were not there. It was snowing from Saturday early morning until Sunday morning, clear sky this afternoon. Kagura this weekend was almost like February. Who will go to SJ BBQ in Hakuba from Tokyo??
  22. Hm, yeah maybe Koizumi san. She looks like Kikuzo anyway!
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