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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by sunrise

  1. http://www.japantoday.com/jp/news/407825 This is hilarious!
  2. Coincidentally I saw an article about Facebook today on the Syd Morn Herald online. Here's the link if you want to read about it: http://www.smh.com.au/news/biztech/facebooks-world-domination-plans/2007/05/25/1179601634300.html
  3. sunrise - short for sunrise music, the business name I use. Might even make it a company some day....
  4. Don't listen to Thursday about Japan phones, he's in Hong Kong! If you have good access to skype in the UK you might also consider getting a skype-in number (local UK), though it's probably not the solution you're after. You can also ask your questions to DoCoMo: English line use to be: (0120) 00-5250 (not sure if that number is still current but I'm sure you can get hold of it if it's not.)
  5. Yes, I still use them - still have a pile of old cassettes that I like to play at times. Analog sounds way better than MP3/MD, tape hiss and all! Don't record on them, though. But playback on a good deck thru a good system is fine
  6. Ah, Byron, I was just there, I fell in love with Byron and the surrounding areas.... (swoon!)
  7. Someone on another forum I'm on uses that as their avatar.
  8. yeh, and I could've sung at the ceremony, and hammed it up 7 man for a wig? Crazy?///
  9. Ah, it was you, I was wondering where those stars came from! Sure, no worries, as someone said, share the love! I'll return the favour.
  10. because he's here, witnessing and studying the turtles here.
  11. I think the forums are great. Soubs, sorry to read about your woes.
  12. On topic: long runs - probably Hakuba. Snow quality? Not sure at that time of the year, I've not spent enough time at each resort to know.
  13. We probably could have tried it if we'd have had the time to get back up there again, I would have gone for that little track up the top I saw that I think you may have missed. (thanks for a fun day Soub)
  14. Quote: Originally posted by soubriquet: 6:30pm update. 10cm of snow in 3 hours. It's going to dump tonight. Great stuff, I'll be there tomorrow. See you Tuesday.
  15. 31st March - I'll be on a flight Sydney to Byron Bay that day. A little far away... have fun!
  16. The interesting thing about this is that the oceans around Sydney are uncharacteristically cold this year.
  17. Aren't they doing direct flights from Syd-Sapporo now? I think if I had to book that far in advance and couldn't just travel according to the weather report I'd go for somewhere in Hokkaido. Every year is different and you just never know.
  18. thanks guys. No worries, CB - dinner at Gravitys sounds perfect, whether we're there at the same time this season or next. Or I'll catch you next time I wind up in Osaka. Are you moving to Osaka or is it somewhere else in Kansai?
  19. Great pics, thanks. It's very hard to play a keyboard outdoors in freezing weather without your fingers going numb, I'm sure that's why the gal is inside the bubble.
  20. Ambrozia's 3rd CD, "Lifetime" pre-release party will be on Sat 3rd at Velours. Performance starts around midnight (I think). If that's not correct I'll edit this so check again later.
  21. Getting to a kampo doc has nearly always helped me. The earlier the better of course, though once or twice a doc hasn't gotten it right. The one down the road is great for colds thankfully. It's important to see an actual kampo doc, not just getting advice for kampo off the shelf - cos they need to know your particular symtoms to give the best remedy.
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