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Everything posted by @tokyo

  1. I think it's cool to diss on McDs. They're certainly not gourmet food, but not quite as bad as people make out. Perhaps.
  2. Grown used to it not being next to the bath as well. Far more civilised.
  3. The other week was intense. Not as much this week. I'll be back, I'm sure.
  4. For example, Hakuba 47 and Goryu. Peope in the voting thread said they were the same place, but they're two distinct businesses.... Based on how many people ride their lifts? But what about places like Ishiuchi Maruyama, that doesn't have an electrical ticketing system?
  5. A strategic vote from Tubby there? Kagura: 35 Maiko Snow Resort: 14 Muikamachi Hakkaisan: 9 (+) Naeba: 10 (-)
  6. Sounds good. I always make the mistake of keep on checking rates once I do it. Good if it goes in the other direction.....
  7. Pretty sad when nonsense like that makes 'serious' 'newspapers'.
  8. Interesting about the Hokkaido-ians. Do they like to feel that they're a bit different from the rest of Japan?
  9. Me too. Looks fun actually in a b-movie silly naff kind of way.
  10. Is it normal to have that snow up there this time of year Tubby?
  11. Not quite as bad this week so far, though set to hot up more from tomorrow by the looks.
  12. Over 200K for switches? What are they made of, gold?!
  13. I suppose my main concewrn is when the pages get slightly discoloured. Worried about heat and humidity for the time I'm not around over summer.
  14. Another weather related question! I have a few good books, ones I want to keep in good condition. Though I'm not sure exactly the best way to do that especially in summer with the heat and humidity. Any top tips?
  15. And yes I HATE the wild differences in volumes as well.
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