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Everything posted by SKI

  1. OK done it, this one http://www.snowjapanforums.com/index.php/topic/22049-tokyu-sells-its-skijo-in-hakuba-happo-one-tsugaike-kogen-iwatake/
  2. An interesting kind of related read from last season http://www.snowjapanforums.com/index.php/topic/20658-the-riddle-of-the-japanese-ski-economy/
  3. Here's a very important point. With such a large number of great ski resort hills to choose from, other than some hardcore loyalists or interested parties, if a skijo suddenly became more expensive then many people would just go somewhere else. Simples. The resort pushing those people out - and lets remember the younger crowd have less to spend as well - would lose out on numbers, the whole place would look sadder and businesses around the resort would also suffer.
  4. I have a retro chunky pint glass that I sometimes use. Looks funny now. A bit like this but somehow much nicer
  5. Most normal people talk from their own point of view, not from the business perspective of the ski resort. So go and ask 100 people if they want skiing to become more expensive, only the people in the business might say "oh yes please".
  6. I'm sure MikeGoToHokkaidoPow will find a way to get you to Hokkaido and back in that time
  7. Not looking like it on the satellite images. Where is it? Dunno!
  8. And here too As other people have said mid December can be dodgy. It can be good too, but there's a real risk of there being little to no snow. At least you have the guaranteed lots of base in many places still in March. muikabochi has a good question - where you planning on going?
  9. The other thing with Hakkoda is really that unless you live in the area, there ain't a whole lot of else in the nearby. It's not like, say, Hakuba that has lots of different resorts within a 10-20-30 minutes drive. Still I would like to go sometime soon.
  10. The peeps who bought them are the ones who run Ryuoo Ski Park and Kawaba. Let's changing.  東京急行電鉄(東京)は28日、北安曇郡白馬村の八方尾根スキー場など同村と小谷村の計3カ所でリフトなどを運行する子会社、白馬観光開発(白馬村)を、日本スキー場開発(東京)に売却すると発表した。東急グループは1958(昭和33)年の白馬観光開発設立以来、白馬を中心とするスキーリゾート開発に携わってきたが、スキー人口の減少に伴う業績悪化などを踏まえ、白馬周辺のスキー場運営から事実上撤退する。  白馬観光開発は八方尾根と岩岳スノーフィールド(白馬村)、栂池高原スキー場(小谷村)でリフトやゴンドラなど計33基を運行するほか、スキー場内のレストランや日帰り温泉施設なども運営している。売却は11月1日付。従業員124人(うち正社員76人)は日本スキー場開発が引き継ぎ、同社がリフトなどの営業を継続する。  同社は日本駐車場開発(大阪市)の子会社。県内で鹿島槍スポーツヴィレッジ(大町市)、竜王スキーパーク(下高井郡山ノ内町)の2スキー場を運営している。  東急電鉄によると、白馬観光開発はスキー人口の減少に伴って売り上げが落ち込み、2012年3月期まで4期連続で最終赤字を計上。一方、
  11. Been out on my bike the last few evenings too, very pleasant.
  12. How does that work in simple terms.
  13. Love pickled onions. Always bring a few jars into Japan. Always glad the bottle doesn't smash in the suitcase!
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