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Everything posted by SKI

  1. I think it was. In a different time and place, it could perhaps have been a real success story.
  2. Oh yeah, going to some of the very most popular places every time......absolutely genius!
  3. Oh I can sort of understand it too. I just think it's boring, a bit of a waste and definitely somewhat of a shame that people are so blinkered. (Perhaps for want of a better word!) Not my money or time though so.... dozo!
  4. So, you think that people who venture out and find other great places are somehow not going there to ride or something?
  5. Thats unadventurous at the best of times, but when you consider the sheer number of quality places in Japan.....
  6. 1993年に開業した典型的なバブル型リゾート施設ではあったが、標高が高く雪質の良さや5月まで滑走な可能なゲレンデ、温泉施設などを拡充し続けたことで集客は良く、瞬く間に消えていった他のバブル型リゾート施設と比べると長寿の部類に入る。 2000年代に入り、スキーヤーが激減したことに加え、2005年のシーズンには豪雪すぎて集客がままならないという状況(積雪が無い状態でもアクセス自体は悪かった)となり、2006年7月10日に運営会社は11億円以上の負債を抱えて経営破綻した。 2013年現在もスキー場とホテルは閉鎖状態となっている。
  7. It also blames poor access as one of the reasons why it failed
  8. The Wikipedia entry says that it went under 1.1 billion yen in debt. I make that out as nearly $11milion at todays rates.
  9. I can just about imagine the amount of thought that needs to be poured into this, if you decide to go your own route and have a 注文ハウス. Makes for interesting reading. Good luck to you all.
  10. Let's hope that the TV stations remember to keep their video camera battery ready and waiting! Would be a shame to miss it!
  11. My guess is that it's from Gala Yuzawa. At the top of the central area looking over towards Tokamachi.
  12. A bit more open-ness on the subject would help things, even if it riled some people up at some places!
  13. You're allowed to go with "the season that's just finished" at the end of a season to avoid any mistakes with meaning the season prior.
  14. Ah yes Hakkaisan. Though plenty of boarders seem to enjoy it. Always wonder if the story of the top Prince dude getting it built "for himself" so he can helicopter in from Tokyo to do some morning moguls is true.
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