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Everything posted by mina2

  1. Went for a ride up Akagi this morning. It sure as cold and windy up there. No snow though.
  2. What kind of place do they keep it in? Doesn't sound too bad.
  3. Posted this in the phone thread as its the same kind of thing: TV last night. Some obasan running a small eating place in Kyoto, being asked to remove their big sign outside. Replacing it would cost 100man (really?!?) and the town won't help. But it's a new rule to take down signs and make the city pretty rather than full of advertising noise. "To make it more appealing to foreign tourists". Some dude commented on it would be a shame if Japan was changed due to the pressure of foreigners. It's like the default bullshit isn't it. Don't suppose Japanese people themselves want nice look
  4. There was actually something on the tv last night on that subject. Some obasan running a small eating place in Kyoto, being asked to remove their big sign outside. Replacing it would cost 100man (really?!?) and the town won't help. But it's a new rule to take down signs and make the city pretty rather than full of advertising noise. Some dude commented on it would be a shame if Japan was changed due to the pressure of foreigners. It's like the default bullshit isn't it. Don't suppose Japanese people themselves want nice looking towns, oh no.
  5. Hows everyone doing? I seem to have reached a "plateau" I think they call it.... gambatte-iru-ing but not seeing much from it.
  6. Said on the news before that things might get worse by the sounds of things
  7. It surely is isn't it. Did you have a couple of Big Macs too? And big mcfries?
  8. But surely we ("the west") are the Good Guys!!!
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