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Everything posted by viv&kev

  1. Got any? Ours is just to make the most of this winter, may be our last here.
  2. We were going to go out for the night, but viv's come down with a cold, poor lass. So it's a night in front of the box maybe
  3. We have just got back from Arai after being there for 2 days. Charming place, good resort, very good snow, nice staff - big thumbs up from me, and we'll be back. viv
  4. I've heard there's no powder in Niseko. You should, by all accounts, be heading for Wada Toge.
  5. When we first came here, my viv tried to join in a Japanese lesson but they wouldn't let her. They didn't say as much, but I think it was because she could understand very little Japanese. An unpleasant experience, that was. kev
  6. Kiroro. How far is that from Niseko? Isn't it between Otaru (?) and Niseko? Flat mountain....? Sounds like fun! kev
  7. I'm was hopeless at languages at school. But like was said, if there's no motivation to the exercise...
  8. We're going for a drive up to Myoko Kogen and Joetsu. We have a friend there, it will be good to see the mountains and how they're getting on with the whitening. Have a good weekend! viv
  9. I don't want this to come over the wrong way, but I can't imagine why anyone would want to spend a night like that. Is it fun or just a matter of booked up hotels and/or cash flow? viv
  10. Same here, I'll be in better shape come April than now.
  11. Not many people is good, but that looks almost as if the place is closed!
  12. It was on the local TV down here at the weekend. Some reporter was up there and introducing the restaurants at the resort (of all things...one of them oishii programs as viv puts it!). The place looked tiny. Great position but small resort.
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