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Everything posted by cheeseman

  1. I had a dream last night where a great big healthy slab of Edam cheese was fighting one of el diablos bears. The Edam won, hardy (and nutritious) cheese that it is. Good for Edam!
  2. They should maybe have opened a Cheese Superstore at resort, hence attracting large numbers of cheese fans from around the country looking for a nutritious cheese fix.
  3. But cheese is more nutritious. And more cheesy-fun for all the family too.
  4. I think you should have a separare "Cheese Forum" on here. I'm sure it would be a big hit with all the cheese fans here on SJG. How about it?
  5. I have heard of snowbunnies. How about Cheesebunnies - those cute Japanese girl cheese fans. They love it for it's taste, it's fun - it's cheesiness. And of course it's nutritious! Any Cheesebunnies out there? Are you one echineko or akibun?
  6. Yama = mountain nashi = not there, nothing or similar So Yamanashi = no mountains. Hence funny. Time for a cheese break
  7. A wholly under-rated cheese in my opinion, with some people even not thinking of it as a cheese I think it is a wholly unique, and nutritious, foodstuff - to be enjoyed by all. Anyone else have any burning comments on this most interesting of cheeses?
  8. Check this out for eyecandy: Looks nutritious and fun, hey cheesefans?
  9. Yes, it's good to settle down in an evening with a nice nutritious cheese platter with the stove blasting away. I'm wondering what cheeses go best with winter, as the season arrives. It must be an especially nutritious one with all the energy needed for an energetic winter.
  10. A good chunk or two of nutritious cheese is a treat. Kids love it. Adults too. Coz it's cheese!
  11. I've always dreamt of having a nutritious cheese shop at the bottom of the slopes. Any investors on here willing to help out with this cheese-dream?
  12. A good cheese fondue party can't be beaten.
  13. Cheeseman to you. Favorite US cheese?? They have their own cheese? Haha!
  14. I am always serious about cheese, enderzero! Cheese is nutritiously nutritious to the extreme. Just don't overload - like all things. Cottage cheese is great isn't it? Nutritious, delicious, kind of interesting to look at - a bit futuristically spacey looking (looks like it could be in a Kylie Minogue video), and a few other adjectives as well. Did I say nutritious too?
  15. What you've all been waiting for - your chance to voice off on your favorite cheese. Only 5 options this time, all nutritious and yummy, cheesefans. So you can choose more than 1. Let's cheese!
  16. I like a good cheesy breakfast myself. Very nutritiously nutritious - and good for you too! And tasty, cheesefans
  17. I appreciate your concern belle, thank you. But isn't 1 star the best? It means Number 1 right! Off for a cheese and pate lunch, cheesefans.
  18. How about cheese ads? Anyone spotted any good ones recently?
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