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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by brit-gob

  1. They should give back some of their millions!!
  2. Expectations at Liverpool will be much higher this year. I don't think they'll get as good a chance either.
  3. Wonder if they signed him up thinking he was exciting?
  4. If the England lads see this... ...they'll be sure to deliver!
  5. Still love the original one for some laughs. It might not be as good, but I'll be watching.
  6. Anyone else? Long time in Japan, friends for the most part Japanese..... my English is definitey suffering!
  7. I thought it was a idea, not an actual clock. I'm sure there's an English word for that. Damn, I need my once a year top-up of English!
  8. Got a compilation called Bugged Out. Some dross on there, but some really good dance/club tracks.
  9. Hey folks. Just think. Another 2+ months and AkiAji will be out. Then it will be winter around the corner!
  10. But the main reason, more often than not, is because it's often shite; fodder for barrel scraping 'deluxe editions' down the line. 'We actually had some dignity back then, but now just topping up the pension!'
  11. Shockingly, he didn't agree and tell everyone that he thought he was past his best!
  12. Just means you need bigger sausages so they won't fly off.
  13. For sickly sweet spreads, not much can beat Lyles Golden Syrup.
  14. So do I. Cuban crisis and other potentially mega moments in history. Fascinating stuff.
  15. Ridiculous isn't it. Enkais on a Monday is the most stupid.
  16. Yeah we look. Then again, the cynic might say there may well be some misleading info out there. Perhaps I shouldn't be so cynical.
  17. All of the Fabregas talk is funny. If you believe all the papers over the last day or two, you'll learn that: Cheslea are in for him. Chelsea are not in for him. Liverpool are in for him. Liverpool are not in for him. United are in for him. United are not in for him. Arsenal are in for him. Arsenal are not in for him. I bet some of that might be true.
  18. A cunning plan indeed. As family-sized bars are meant for sharing, that's out. So the only option left for someone wanting more chocolate is to buy another. I doubt many people are cunning enough to do that though.
  19. They must have real trouble parking. Suppose they need to stop in the truck spaces.
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