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Everything posted by brit-gob

  1. Meet Dave, with Eddie Murphy. So bad I just had to keep on watching. I can't imagine kids found it funny either. Wtf happened to Eddie Murphy?
  2. Perhaps Liverpool would want to get rid because he is an even bigger accident waitint to happen. When there's a next time......
  3. I always do the nice thing for as long as possible. Not very good at angry anyway.
  4. It's all very well to scoff at footie players with the gay thing, but the fact is lots of loads of birds love them and they shag tons of fit birds. So if that's gay...
  5. It seems like the spec for Tokyo Olympics is being downgraded by the day. Things not being built, the main stadium getting a considerable downsize. Makes a mockery of all the plans promised to get them doesn't it.
  6. Wiki says yes http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A1%A9%E6%9D%91%E6%96%87%E5%A4%8F 塩村 文夏(しおむら あやか、1978年7月6日 - )は日本のエッセイスト、放送作家、元グラビアアイドル、東京都議会議員である。オフィス・トゥー・ワン所属。 『恋のから騒ぎ』に出演。「美人すぎる自動車ライター」、「美人すぎる放送作家」などとして雑誌に紹介された。 We need evidence.
  7. ah it's on now. Stern faces all round!
  8. hey I'm watching the 9 o clock news and they haven't mentioned the footie yet! Under the carpet?
  9. Isn't this Suarez's 3rd "biting incident"? Seems he can't help it. No matter how long the ban, he will bite again!
  10. As nasty a piece of work he can be, it would be a shame to see him leave the PL. He's pretty handy with a football.
  11. "OK" just doesn't cut it at this level.
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