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Everything posted by TeleSkier

  1. Hey Ocean - forgot to mention...I will take my Y3,600 day at Happo over any Y4,600 day I had there last year. The snow was incredible. no crowds, great weather, and the lodge wasn't packed with every Japanese person in Nagano trying to give each other lung cancer. Yeah, it was a little frustrating that some of the upper lifts weren't open but a lot of those trails were dirt the day before. And from me, I think that Happo will be worth it this weekend. The upper 300m of the mountain is sweet - I would say close to 2m of snow up there with the 60cm+ they got Wednesday night. If you are into
  2. Just got back from Hakuba tonight. What a great two days of skiing up there. Hit Goryu/Hakuba 47 Thursday to the tune of 60+cm at the top. It was absolutely incredible - not crowded, no wind in the morning, freshies everywhere. Only the top of Goryu was open but with a little rope ducking the whole mountain was a powder mecca. Off the top lifts you could fresh pow all the way to the bottom of the gondola with just one limbo out there. I couldn't believe it - and to boot it is still November. Got into the trees a bit and it was great. Last run of the day was fresh pow to the car.
  3. Just got up to Hakuba about an hour ago - lots of snow and still coming down. Should be good tomorrow-hope the winds stay away though. Most likely be at Hakuba 47/Goryu. Might need those gondolas tomorrow.
  4. Heading up for tomorrow - heard that possibly could be a large storm up there with mucho cm's out there - 30cm at the bottom and up to 1m at the top. Hope the wind isn't there. Probably will be at 47/Goryu tomorrow. I'll let you know hot it is.
  5. Does anyone know how much snow is expected in Hakuba today and tomorrow. Would be great appreciated if I am going to make the 4 hr excursion up there. Thanks.
  6. Got to go with Herman Maier from the Austrian Ski Team. That guy is an amazing skier even though he is a racer. He was amazing in 98 in Nagano. Remember the crash that he had in the downhill then came back to win the Super G and the Giant Slalom. Absolutely amazing - too bad he had that motorcycle accident and couldn't compete at Salt Lake last yr. For snowboarder I have to go with that Jeremy Jones guy. Saw some film of him I think in the movie "Further" and he was amazing. Definitely boarding the steepest bc stuff with style.
  7. "There are two types of people in this world - those who love Neil Diamond and those who don't. My wife loved him." From Bill Murray in the movie "What About Bob?"
  8. Yeah - may be headed up there with a couple of buds on Tuesday. We shall see though. From the people up in Hakuba - how much snow is forcasted. May also head up later in the week on Thursday and Friday. I guess on Hakuba 47/Goryu and Happo are open right now. Anybody been up there yet - let me know how the conditions are and how much snow is on the ground. I'd appreciate it. I'll be the gaijin on the K2 AK Launchers set up for tele skis by the way. Hope to see you up there.
  9. Back to the more important topic here - the snow and opening of Shiga Kogen and most likely the Yokoteyama Part. I went up there last yr and my buddy had a snowboard and they wouldn't let him ride except on a little beginner lift. It was absolutely pathetic. For you snowboarders out there - you are missing nothing by not being allowed to board there. The owners of that part of Shiga Kogen are doing you a favor because that place blows - unless you are interested in skiing 200m vertical runs. Place doesn't compare to anything in Hakuba....Anybody go to Hakuba 47 over the weekend - and how
  10. Checkout www.telemarktips.com for some more info. Good site there....may be able to answer some of your questions....
  11. Yeah - Sno-seal and the Nikwax are both good. They usually don't get wet with that on there. Another thing that helped were gaiters and then super gaiters which esentially covered the whole boot. Still have the leather tele boots but haven't used them in a while - all plastic now. Sure helps you drive the fat skis though.
  12. Saw Mt. Fuji today and the top was all covered with snow. Can't wait....
  13. Where did you score the XXX's for Y30k? Any 195cm??? Sounds like a great deal. Enjoy..
  14. As for what is telemarking - it is just a type of skiing with only the toes of the boots connected to the skis. When I originally started about 12 yrs ago I had leather boots and three pin bindings. Now it has gone to hard plastic boots, cable bindings, and fat skis. Every year my setup gets heavier and more towards alpine.
  15. Ocean - get a CamelBack. Those things rock for filling up with water. Mine is 70 ounces and usually put one down a day regardless on the temperature outside. As for the lifts - I would have to say chairs with footrests are the best. Leading the pack is the Single Chair at Mad River Glen in Vermont back in the States. Nothing like a 20 minute ride up that boy when it is freezing out there. Sometimes they even give you blankets when it is way cold.
  16. Was up in Tokyo over the weekend with a few friends. Went to the 7-11 and checked out the fridge - new flavor of Chu-Hi Sour Apple. Stuff is dangerous. I could put down many of those talls in no time. I highly recommend!
  17. Recommend both and bring them both. Have the goggles for the snow and somewhat flat light days. Ski with sunglasses on the other days especially when it is sunny. Only time I wear goggles when it is sunny is when it is bitter cold out there.
  18. Thanks for the reply about the long weekend for Japanese people. To Tateyama from Tokyo I would figure on about 4 hrs to the start of the Karobe Alpine route which is about 20 miles north of Matsumoto.
  19. Does anyone know if this weekend is a Japanese Holiday with Monday off??? Last year I got in some wicked traffic while driving back from Nagano. My pick would be to do some hiking and camping up in the Northern Alps. Hit Tateyama last weekend for the day and it was fantastic.
  20. Simple Minds - Great one. Nothing like "The Breakfast Club" coming on some Sunday afternoon and the end with Simple Minds coming on....
  21. Adding on to Sharon's post about Oasis - what are good UK bands. Got to go for my #1 as being Def Leppard...Sweet 80s hair band.
  22. I've got to say the biggest problem is soooo many lifts and soooo few trails. Whatever happened to about 5 lifts and 30 trails. Now we have 20 lifts and about 25 trails at places over here. I have to question some places - for example Arai up in Nigata. They have this great mountain with tons of snow and great terrain but only have 8 trails. They could open the place totally up and it would absolutely rock. It reminds me of Alpine Meadows or a mini Squaw Valley in Tahoe. But they have tons of orange poles with rope everywhere. I wonder if the owners of Arai have ever skied out of Japan
  23. Forgot to mention - I was majorly jealous of all the people who get to live up in the mountainess areas. Anyone want to trade for the Kanto Plain. BTW -- the trip still takes four hrs from Tokyo....
  24. Yesterday - Satruday - I went up the Karobe Alpine Routhe, near Omachi about 45 minutes north of Matsumoto, up to the Marudo Plateau and Mt. Tateyama. Great little day trip that afforded great views with little physical effort but a bit of effort on the wallet. Round trip ticket was Y8,500. Kind of pricey but well worth it for the views. The leaves are fantastic right now with brilliant yellows, oranges, and reds. They were contrasting well with all of the evergreens. There was a light dusting of snow up there that melted throughout the day. Hiked to the top of Tateyama for some fantas
  25. Today 90 degrees F down in the Tokyo area. What happened to the cool fall that was here last week. At least that storm is gone though. Cleaned most of the smog out with it too...
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