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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by 7-11

  1. I wonder if any resort has tried to open a decent run steeper than 35/36 degrees? I am sure they must have thought about it - and the terrain does exist.
  2. The Beloved. Blast from the past. The same Beloved as The Sun Rising, Jon Marsh. He has done some good production work in recent years.
  3. It is a nice brouchure pic, it has to be said. Is it for sale? Nice to hear they have cows and sheep up there. I hope they're not cooked up in a big shed all day without any space to move.
  4. That's kind of what I thought it might be as well. Ni------Pon seems to be the frenzied version. Is it just in sports and such that they use nippon. It would be interesting to know for sure. A question for the nihonjin friends.
  5. I might be interested in that, Nat. Hey barok, looking forward to getting to Japan at last? Where are you gonna be?
  6. 12 million yen?! Always thought I wanted to open one myself. Hence the name, perhaps.
  7. Gonna be a 7-11 at the bottom of the slopes? ii-kibun, da yo
  8. I've been watching about 2 matches a day, and there've been some great games so far. It's a pity about the ticket farce though.
  9. Yatsugatake Bokujo Do they have cows?
  10. The only thing I have seen is a Japanese fan kicking in a counter coz he couldn't get a ticket.
  11. Nothing against the guy, but they weren't very good - just not the Xfiles without Mulder.
  12. zodiac : capricorn chinese : not a clue
  13. Japan were actually better tonight, but what was up with Sweden. Didn't impress.
  14. worrying, but lets not talk about that shall we birdbrain?
  15. Die Hard Ultimate Collection. 3 movies 6 discs Loads of goodies. DTS Sound Sounds tempting to me.
  16. Great, isn't it. I like "negi-miso" best.
  17. Another topic starter. I sometimes got the impression that some resorts are less than up front about the truth. As with how many advanced courses they have, the number of courses they have, the snow depth at their resort etc. If there are no standards, they can make up their own rules to go by. Hmmm. Any thoughts?
  18. Is there an international standard? And do Japanese resorts keep to that? Anyone know for sure? I have heard different stories from different people. Thought it might make a good new topic.
  19. Hes doing jogging and stuff, but he cant kick a ball with his left foot yet. Doesnt sound too positive when the first game is less than 2 weeks off, don't you think?
  20. I thought it went downhill after the 3rd season.
  21. 3 month weather forecast has just been on the TV. Regarding temperatures: --June and August will be "heinen-nami" (normal for an average year) --July will be hotter than normal.
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