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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by mogski

  1. Takes more than a quake to keep me away. Might be frequenting less due to other families members dislikes for cold environments, but am working on this.
  2. Dear Britian What P2P are you using at the moment my boy? Do tell. Yours truthfully, sincerely, faithfully and in best regards Mogski
  3. Why wait to take it to the Ocean! Go to the Expo armed with a soaker type water pistol and watch it dissolve
  4. I propose to Triumph that they sell this bra with the manequin. THey could please not only the female wearer but also her partner this way! Perfect way to double sales. Anyone know if the manequin is available?
  5. Sometimes those over freindly clingy shower curtains can be the only excitement for the lone traveller.
  6. You should try those shiny bits of papaer that come included in those hand out tissues! Slippery sharp and absolutly useless! Ended up having to moon a basin tap and flush myself clean!
  7. If you could grow up a little more I would seel you my G-tex bibs and Jacket with all the cool features. Never been used for the purpose that I bought them for.
  8. Quote: Originally posted by taguchi: In terms of breaking the "law" yes I do think that it is the same. It too is heavily policed and has many consequneces not the least of which could lead to the death of someone. I was tyring to jolt in you a thought process of what it is we do everyday that perterbs to break the law. What you consider to be a henious crime others might not and what you do not see as a crime others might. Oh and don't run on my accord. Was not intending a direct attack
  9. Tagushi u drive a car? You park your car on the side of the street to go into the convienice store to quickly buy an onigiri? Do you speed up when you can see a light is changing to orange to get through before it goes red? Do you use your mobile phone while driving? If you answer yes to any of the above then you too are a fool, because you know all are against the law, but you do it anyway. I bet you don't think that going to jail for any of the above is a fitting sentence for a petty crime right? I would be careful with the label "fool" of people who break the l
  10. I for one do have some reservations as to why there was no search of the vehicle made after the plates had been confirmed that night as belonging to the missing family. However I reserve comment on what was right and what was wrong. Found this on the web re the Thredbo landslide in 1997 in Australia. web page A small relevant to the topic excerpt and some food for thought on the topic at hand: . "Everyone was complaining that the rescuers weren't moving quickly enough," says tourist Mark Dobson, who was staying at the Hi-Noon Ski Club. "But when you see the site, it's blood
  11. I stopped a chikan once during my train career in Tokyo. One morning on the usual crowded sardine train this Oyaji started feeling up a high school girl who was standing in front of me. The Oyaji was drooling over and eyeing her up from her right side, then all of a sudden as the train jerked during braking he turned around grabbed her arse with one hand then her breast with the other. She had this look of shock and discomfort on her innocent face, but never let out a scream or kick up a much of a fuss. I guess it was the pure shock of it all. She was probably all of 14 or so.
  12. A good dump (of snow) is what you all need! I can see 6 months of built up tension rearing in this thread! Might I suggest you hack the ice out o fyour freezers lay it out on the footpath, don your boards or skis and stand there pretending you are on the mountains doing what you love to do. It might take some of the tension of all of you.
  13. In amognst all the bad news, the mother and children that were buried in their car by one of hte landslips have been rescued alive 4 days after! Small solice for those familes that lost loved ones, but a big feel good boost for all I would say.
  14. Felt that one here in Tokyo boyz! 12F swaying like a boat in a storm on the Ocean! You guys alright up there?
  15. If you are going to go with the PR's get the Sally "Ti" series binding or its successor. Both my skis together with the bindings S14Ti(?) bindings weigh very little. If I remeber correctly the marketing gunk mentioned somethign about a total wieght of 5kgs. Don't do the PR's injustice and fit them with anything less or they will be clunky as.
  16. Good news, the Typhoon will turn to a "Front" as it reaches Japan. We're saved!
  17. BASE jumping = B uilding A ntennae S pans(bridges) E arth(cliff) Jump
  18. Can we talk about anything in private chat
  19. Noone told me about the alcohol!? Where are you hiding it. There is two ways to look at this participation from Kiwis. Either we are a ready to sacrifice our duties for the name of our country or we are all lazy sh!ts and happy to skirt work for a great distraction such as this forum. I personally am of the former crew.
  20. He's a monkey! Peanuts are better than the bananas he gets at the moment. You would not beleive the step up in the world moral booster they would be to him!
  21. Visit welcome only with cases of fine micorbrewery beer in hand! Yes sunrise it does heat it's own water in a little tank on the side of the seat. It even has a eco freindly setting that heats only the water in the tank and not along the pipe to the nozzle. I do not reccomend this on a cold day as that first squirt of cold water really does effect ones mental state for some time. Although the feeling of relief as the water gradually gets warmer is godsent!
  22. I haven't smelt the snow in the air yet so I have been keeping away from the real forum. Trying to stay a little more sane this year.
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