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Everything posted by Tachypsychia

  1. Woke up to 20cm of fresh pow pow with more on the way. The mountain is calling.
  2. -5 here and gusty. Spent a good 3 hours on the slopes with the wife which was more than I thought she was good for. She picked it up fast and wants to go again tomorrow. I told her to wait for the soreness and ask me to go again in the morning!
  3. Didn't get out yesterday because the wife's boots from Rakuten didn't show up. But they're here today and its already snowed a good 5cm. Supposed to get another 15cm or so at sea level so I'm sure its going to be dumping on the mountain today. Just filled up on pancakes and we'll be headed up soon! Hope everyone else is getting dumpage.
  4. The mastercard issue is only related to the mastercards issued with the smartchip. I have a mastercard and thought the same thing, but closer reading shows regular cards (magnetic strip only) issued outside of japan are fine. I have used my US Mastercard branded debit card at JP Post ATMs without issue.
  5. anyone else see the link to the bad english song at the bottom of that article? I was literally rolling on the ground laughing at that.
  6. Hell yeah! Its finally cold here. Think we're going to get a dump too. Get out on that mountain!
  7. I don't ski or know about ski boots, but plastic breaks down under UV and sunlight. That's pretty much it.
  8. Aww yeah! We got 5cm today. Taking the wife up the slope with me tomorrow. Shred some for me!
  9. 57cm radius would be HUGE! Thats circumference an inch above the ear..
  10. I'm glad I go to onsen where I see no gaijin (unless I look in the mirror) cause dats gross!
  11. Thats a good bit of time to stay out and enjoy a lot of what Japan has to offer. As for money, I've been going to the nearest JP Post office and using their ATMs. Apart from 7-Eleven, they are the only country wide ATM service that accepts international. Depending on your bank they may charge a small converstion fee, plus the ATM itself. My bank doesn't charge me a dime (which is why I use it) and when I take out 20K-30k yen, I get charged less than 200 yen. I read your post assuming you haven't been snowboarding or in japan. Definitely take your time starting off, and get lessons
  12. The newest? I disliked Get Lucky as well. I find myself listening to the Tron sound track quite often when driving. I rediscovered a good japanese rock band called Doping Panda today. Decadence album. I definitely like Beautiful Survivor. Something about the dissonance in it.
  13. I understand why skydiving helmets are worn now, but when I first heard of them I laughed pretty hard. Like really why would you need a helmet for that? If your chute doesnt open a helmet wouldn't save you. I compared it to the disinfectant wipes used before a lethal injection I found a good Giro helmet I want to get but after measuring my head, I'm not sure what size to get. 57cm.
  14. Looks like there will be some good riding up here for this weekend. Should be all rested up by then!
  15. Just checked out the forecast.. high of -2 and -3 next two days in Aomori. Saturday we're supposed to get 20cm....
  16. hillarious. Reminds me of Team America where Matt Damon only says "Matt Damon"
  17. All my snows melting. Its 5 today. Wheres the big dump we need? People in my area are saying its crazy warm and light on snow for this time of year.
  18. If he got hallucinations for 100Y I'd say he got his moneys worth. Good lord.
  19. I'll look into it, thanks. Glad the wife is ok. What kind of fall did she have?
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