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About yamaski

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  1. Loads of Japanese do go for the onsen though a weekend in summer is quieter than a weekend in winter. Yuzawa still gets real hot in summer.
  2. Gambatte. I hate cleaning. Will feel good when it's done though.
  3. Smile Shaken! That phrase always makes me... smile. Or is that grimace.
  4. Yes I think lots of the tiny places were just for the locals which was a good thing. Can't see how some of the small places popped up next to major resorts, though perhaps it happened the other way round.
  5. I used to like Arai. But it was too over the top for it's own good and then we entered the era when most people didn't want to spend all that money. Lots of the folk who stayed at the hotels didn't even go skiing. The snow was great though up there.
  6. Kandatsu Kogen. Sadly it was whiteout when I went so wouldn't recognise it if I went again.
  7. There was probably more chance of Akakaura Kanko and Akakura Onsen falling out properly and cutting off the shared ticket than the whole place linking up I reckon. Those two never seem to have got along.
  8. Personally I much prefer Myoko. I went heli ski once in Sugadaira which was fun, but there's just not enough challenge for me there generally. A good place for beginners I'd say.
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