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Everything posted by mitchpee

  1. Mamabear, The real advantage to rocker boards is either in pow or park. If he is going to be riding on trails mostly I would not suggest a rockered board. However, if he is going to be hitting jumps, rails, and going into the deep stuff I would definitely say go for it. Rockered boards in powder are probably the most fun thing ever. They stay afloat a lot easier and allow for some buttering in the pow . If he is riding park he will have a lot of fun too because they press like a mother effer. Popping on them is reallll nice too. If you want any recommendations of specific boards let m
  2. Originally Posted By: Mamabear I haven't heard of them either.... but my first thought was a type of hostel/YMCA for boarders... hahahahah I guess we live in a rider house. All 4 of us ski and it makes borrowing passes, sharing rides, trips, etc a lot cheaper! It's kind of a cool experience. Tends to get on the messy side though.
  3. Originally Posted By: Mamabear Originally Posted By: MitchPee It was made pretty clear by any poll (gallup, washington post, economist) that George Bush's popularity and the Iraq war popularity were below 35%. The people you are seeing on the news are not the majority of Americans. This is not to say that these types of people don't exist, but to confuse them with a majority would be incorrect. I can understand the frustration with it though and I'm not trying to sound rude. Interesting. As a traveler I can attest to the fact that the dissemination of information is quite contrary
  4. Couldn't agree more, what isn't a matter of a rock and a hard place with transcending international law though? Also, I am not too familiar with any other nation's armed forces recruitment, but here in the US joining the army is more of an avoiding prison situation. Troops aren't well disciplined and I hate to hear about stories of rape in Japan from US soldiers. Absolutely disgusts me. These are the same types of arseholes that think every other country is inferior to the US.
  5. Originally Posted By: Mamabear Originally Posted By: MitchPee Come on now, it's pretty blatant that the majority of the American population is against the war in Iraq. Is it? [not trying to be argumentative or confrontational] The propaganda that seems to come OUT of America hasn't shown a majority opposition. I would say that in most other parts of the world the average person would get the impression there was a lot of support, with just a smattering of dissent. It was made pretty clear by any poll (gallup, washington post, economist) that George Bush's popularity and t
  6. Originally Posted By: thursday vivid description of Julia Roberts' what exactly? And please post every little detail. From what I remember, they did it in New York in some hotel. She wasn't famous at the time but she was younger and he said she was just as gorgeous in person as on tv. I believe he used a big B to determine anything left to the imagination.
  7. Originally Posted By: thursday it's a good idea to get those yanks out of Japan so they can have a go at Iraq and Afghanistan. Hell, I'd love them to go kick ass, or opposite. Come on now, it's pretty blatant that the majority of the American population is against the war in Iraq. Some of us *cough cough* have been against the war in Iraq since the beginning and were somewhat educated about prior history in Afghanistan to know that the Bush era went about it all wrong in every way possible. Other than that, punish the little bastards that strung that wire across the road. This type
  8. I'm curious about this too. Do a lot of people on SJ have houses that they rent out for the season or something similar? When I come next year I would gladly pay a portion of rent to live in a house with a common liking of snow
  9. Originally Posted By: Mamabear Well....according to the movie Pretty Woman it is. And of course it MUST BE TRUE! A classic move. Julia Roberts dated my friends dad He told us a vivid description.
  10. Only time I strap a board on is Burton Demo Days when it's free Other than that, I am a two planker.
  11. Good vibes though, best of luck! Just listen to some BB King and you'll be good to go.
  12. Yup it usually takes a long time. I still barely talk to 2 of my pretty serious relationship ex's. I don't think I will ever be friends with them because I have no urge to talk to them, but you never know, life throws some funny curveballs.
  13. I am just looking for a job that will provide subsistence for food. I have money for skiing passes and such. Just something to fill the gap.
  14. Originally Posted By: RobBright Want to visit New Zealand, Antartica, Canada and South America. But been pretty lucky as have visited the other countries I wanted to go to (Fiji, Maldives, Japan, Indonesia, Sweden, Germany and Italy) Is it true what they say, the Swedish women????
  15. When I travel with my Indian friend they would always assume he was a terrorist, figure they can tell the difference between Mormons and Indians at the SLC airport. It's not exactly a secret when everyone lined up for a personal search has dark skin. Can work to your advantage. A cop pulled him over after he had been riding shotgun with Mary Jane and when asked if he responded "Sir it is against my religion to smoke weed."
  16. Originally Posted By: thursday Dells die on the screen hinges. They snap. To prolong your battery life remove it if you are plugged into mains for days at a time. I've noticed this happens a lot to Macs, my roommates mac dies after 10 mins because he has left it plugged in all the time.
  17. I was thinking Sapporro? Is there good transportation to get to get to the mountains?
  18. Originally Posted By: rider69 Something like 200000 bucks of investment might get you a business visa. Americans are SOL when it comes to easy Visas. Bah, there must be someone with a lot of experience in snowsports industry and a degree from a large school can get a visa???
  19. Originally Posted By: Mamabear OMG! There is just another thing I am TOO OLD to do !! I seriously HATE being told NO. I have been diagnosed with Asthma, and was honest on my SCUBA form last week when applying to do a learn to dive course on the Barrier Reef....so of course they knocked me back - as Papa said "Blind Freddy could have seen that a tick in the Asthma box would preclude me from doing it..." But I am too honest and naive for my own good! So what am I going to do? NO taking NO for answer. Once we get back from Japan I am going to do a PADI dive course, Drs clearan
  20. Originally Posted By: Mamabear How did ROMs dilemma from 2005 become December 2009 discussion...oh...wait...let me see.... THURSDAY! Hahaha didn't even notice that.
  21. Originally Posted By: RobBright Originally Posted By: MitchPee I have a friend who is mormon and we always joke with him saying "I shouldn't have drank all those O'Douls last night!" Sounds like a laugh a minute with you guys. Now, try getting HIM to say that, and mean it. I'll put it on youtube...make a short film or something. The title: An O'douls Hangover On second thought, how many O'Douls would it take to get drunk? I imagine they are something like .5% alcohol? So it would take around 70 to get a good buzz? Sounds like you would drown before you reached the goal
  22. Skied a few good pow runs here in UT. Could be a better start to the season but Park City is keeping me entertained with some jumps for now. What's the report in Hirafu? Good, bad?
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