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Mick Rich

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Everything posted by Mick Rich

  1. Not wishing to re-ignite another territorial dispute ("we" already have our hands full arguing with the Russians and Chinese) but next you'll be saying that Takeshima (or Dokdo) is Korean or worse still, that The Falklands are Argentinian Back to snowboarding, the Hard Off (what a great name that is) and B Sports outlets (both being part of the Book Off chain) are good places to source nearly new or 2nd hand gear in Japan but I was thinking of English language places online. The only ones I can think of are the classifieds sections of the Metropolis Magazine and GaijinPot websites but
  2. I found an old edition of Dr No last year - it was a good read and compared well with the film, with the obvious exception of the stunning Ursula Andress as Honey Ryder!!! Am currently reading a February 2001 edition of Transworld Snowboarding!
  3. In the absence of a classifieds section on here, can anyone recommend a place to buy and sell secondhand snowboarding kit on this side of The Sea of Japan?? Cheers! PS 1003 Won
  4. Cheers Ippy - I'll check it out when I'm next over, getting my fix of dwaejigalbi and dakgalbi. I love it here in Japan but miss decent Korean food plus the large portions
  5. This is turning into a multi-subject post but what the hell, it's all good Ippy, where's the snowboard street in Seoul? I used to go to the basement floor of a department store near Dongdaemun Gate, where there were a dozen or so independent outlets, though I'm not sure they're there now Austrian Alps trumps Seoul every time - have a great time Pete! I'll console myself with a beer and today's purchase - a one-way ticket to Asahikawa, Hokkaido at the beginning of January
  6. Count me in! I guess leave it in the lap of the snow gods and see where has the most snow in a month's time!
  7. I managed to check out 9 Korean resorts over the winter of 2008/9 (my favourites were Yongpyong and Bears Town) and would agree with Ippy that they can't compete with Japanese resorts on any level save for price, so best leave your ski/board bag at home! I was living there at the time so had no other choice Playing tourist is a different matter though Pete - great food, good shopping and a weak Won, but if you're coming from China I'm not sure if it'll feel as cheap as it does with Yen in your wallet!
  8. Thanks guys! TB, if the snow gods smile (or should that be dump) on Kagura before Hakuba then I might join you!
  9. I know we can't predict anything and every year is different, etc, etc, but I was wondering what the chances are of being able to hit the Hakuba slopes in the 2nd week of December? I'm guessing there's less chance of snow there than more northerly resorts but any thoughts, particularly from Hakuba locals, would be gratefully received! Cheers!
  10. Have just watched that "Enjoyable State of Being" short - a good call! To even things up, here's a link to a boarding vid from the Aesthetiker crew in Austria called "Soul & Progression" - sweet as! http://www.aesthetiker.com/web09/flvplayer/show.php?ID=97 & I also love Signatures - for me it just sums up what Japan is all about!
  11. Am currently watching Terminator 3 on tv and can't make up my mind whether fits into this category but the blonde, red leather-clad T-X makes it worth a 2nd view!!
  12. I wouldn't worry about being a cautious wuss but yeah, better be safe than sorry and get it checked out. I did mine in last year during the 1st week of a 4 week trip to NZ. Could hardly bend down to tighten up my bindings but still managed to go heli-boarding
  13. I'd say go for it, regardless of reviews, as it'll be an amazing experience! I plan to check out Iran and Kashmir some time but might now have to add Kergestan to my list of alternative places to ride, assuming I can remember how to spell it ;-) & don't fly British Airways, the world's frumpiest airline!
  14. It's unmarked inside though the covers are a little scuffed after a few years of being moved around from shelf to shelf. Not bad for 105 Yen
  15. To borrow a famous line, "We're going to need a bigger boat." Good job MiniMoose is in the navy!!
  16. Found this in the English language section of the Machida Book Off store:- I haven't read it yet but it'll be interesting to see what's changed in the last 10 years!
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