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Everything posted by ILoveZao

  1. Yes magnificent photos. Please come again! Here's a few more
  2. Hello I saw in Mikes thread a comment about Niseko: "If Niseko United has any aspirations to become a truly international winter sports destination then the links between Annupuri, Niseko Village and Grand Hirafu need to be improved. Dramatically." I found it interesting. I am not in depth about Niseko but how do you think improvements could be made?
  3. Really found that to be interesting muikabochi. There are I imagine still a fair few of places like this hanging on. A sad sight really and I am sure there are interesting stories behind each and every one.
  4. Nice. I don't know the area well but why does Cortina seem to get so much more than the main Hakuba resorts so often. For example today Goryu/47 are 5-10cm while Cortina on 40cm?
  5. Wasn't too busy yesterday but more people arriving today. Weekend should be busy Remember my tips about when Zao is busy... don't try to park in the center, go up the site to Kurohime. And don't wait around for the bottom ropeway.... get the pair lift to the right of the ropeway station and go up that way.
  6. When I have been to Kusatsu though, excellent snow quality even if not as much as some place. Perhaps a little like nearby Shiga Kogen in that respect.
  7. Lots of snow in the last week and conditions now really nice on the mountain.
  8. It has been a very nice day here. Blue skies. Back to snow tomorrow I think.
  9. No, not everything is open yet. Most, and getting there, but not all. Uwanodai has a fair few lifts not moving and there's a few others. The snow is not deep yet and lots popping up so not enough yet.
  10. It would have to be Zao. I know it so well, it's like an old friend. And I think it is a wonderful place. Outside of Zao I would perhaps choose Nozawa Onsen.
  11. Thanks for sending some up to Zao as well. Put them in a few places for you. They do look great. Very eye-catching.
  12. Some more of the mountain open now and though it's still thin on the ground in most places, good to see things opening up. We could really do with a proper dump to get things going though. As many other places of course.
  13. Yes I think it is good chance for children in Hakuba as there will be chance of communicating.
  14. Yes. The Zao Now reports are covering it well, but we are now just waiting for snow.
  15. In my experience, it means nothing. You can have an early snowfall and then a completely dry December. Or the other way round. We simply do not know yet. Zao opened. And then closed. I can't see it opening up again in the next week, or if they do it will be extremely limited. Basically, winter hasn't arrived properly yet. I have the luxury of living close by and so I just relax and see what falls from the sky. I'd hate to be all worked up getting all stressed up about it.
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