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Iraq Attack - for or against?

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Lets clarify. Against a non-UN attack, but all for an 'international police force' sanctioned by the UN to go an arrest that SOB for all his crimes, using 'reasonable force' to do so. (yes, tactical nuclear devices Do fall outside reasonable force)


Having said that, whilst they are in the area, there are a few other SOBs that need picking up for crimes against humanity.

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definately no


and like miteyak has said,


being anti war does not equal being pro saddam.


and also, iraq does not equal al queda does not equal bin laden.


in other words, if there was a way to oust saddam and his family out of power without bombing a starved country back into another stone age, yeh, that'd be nice. As to how tho, I wish i had a decent idea.

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