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What does everyone think of host and hostess bars? Have you ever visited one of these establishments, either as a customer or as staff? Would you ever go out with a girl or guy who works at one a host or hostess bar?


I always wonder why Japanese men seem to like these places so much so that they cannot do without them even when they are working overseas. For example, I have recently found out that there are maybe 3 such establishments in Sydney alone.

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Horrible places. I've been dragged along to them by private students. Men like to go to them so they can moan at the hostesses about their lives. One I went to had an Israeli hostess who moaned at me about her life and wouldn't talk to my students.


Bad drinks, bad food, bad value, bad clothes, bad interior, bad atmosphere, bad company, and bad conversation.

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my sister works at one in roppongi. she has to seem interested in the salarymen that go and sing lots of karaoke. but she's making good money (under the table) and is often taken out to expensive dinners for work. not bad if you just want to make quick cash.

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Moaning of a distinctly unsensuous kind, and a bit of mutual shoulder squeezing that would put a normal teenager completely to shame.


nekobi, surely you are mistaken. Prostitution is against the law in Japan, and as there are plenty of policemen about and brothels are not exactly a moving target, how could it be possible for brothels to exist?

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brothel is such a dirty word...


try to think of it as "health"


and hostess clubs - obviously not providing the same healthy executive relief - should just be considered a "snack"


and for a cleaner kind of experience try "soap"

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i haven't, of course, seen this brothel. I'm just repeating what my sister told me. so I don't really know about legalities of this "health" club. but come on, there are sure to be some in japan, ne?

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What is that "soap land" place? And a "snack" is just a hostess bar, right?


There have been a lot of documentaries about white women working in hostess bars on TV the last year or so after that English hostess was murdered in Kanagawa-ken. I suppose Japanese women who work there aren't really thought of in the brightest light either?

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I think i'm right in saying that prostitution isn't actually illegal in Japan, but it is illegal to provide premises for the purpose. That's why there's so many of the dial-a-girl fliers around.

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a reasonable proportion of japanese girls i now have worked in snack bars at some time. amongst such a group (including university students) i dont think it is overly frowned upon. but i dont think its the type of job u brag about.


im not actually sure of the intricacies of soap land, but it sounds like a good idea, whatever it is.

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If you want a comprehensive education in this and many other aspects of Japanese culture, read Nicholas Bornoff's "Pink Samurai". It's a bit dated now probably unless it's been revised, but it's a good read.


miteyak, I believe that 'waisetsuna koui' is something of a catchall that is used to catch the patrons of freelance prostitution. I think maybe the law actually punishes the patrons of prostitution rather than the first tier providers.

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I don't like the snacks, and the whole concept of them - From the owners abusing young women who should be trying to get a better job but won't because the money is easy, to the guys who go there leaving their wives behind every night to take care of the kids...


Aside the the folks who think running red lights is ok and the ones who cut in front at the lift line, I think the snacks are the worse thing in Japan...


I will admit there are some beautiful women working in them though...

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I have the rather dubious honor of being dragged to these places most weeks through work. Woy Woy, when i was in Sydney i knew of at least 5 that were operating - all staffed by girls on students visas. You'd never even know they are there unless someone showed you - very discreet.

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That's the old 'enjokousai' thing - translated very roughly as 'help through intercourse' (of the social kind of course, but with the private kind taken as a given in most cases). Dirty old blokes pay dirty old schoolgirls some Y20,000 yen or more pocket money plus miscellaneous brand trash in exchange for sex. When they're caught, the dirty old blokes get done for 'obscene behaviour'.


I don't know what happens to the dirty old schoolgirls but you can bet they get on their mobile phone and say very loudly "Ano saa, Mariko. Nani shiteru? Ano saa, I'm in the cop shop at the moment. Muhahahahaha. Honto dayo, maji maji."


The police regularly lament that the girls 'experience no feelings of guilt'.

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Where were the places you knew of in Sydney, Antonio? One of my friends' girlfriends used to work there for a while but quit as soon as she started going out with him.


It seems that most girls are hardly proud of their work at hostess bars but they do not try to hide it either. They try to say that "it's not a dirty place" or something similar but they must get dirty salarymen touching them and all that sort of stuff. I suppose they think it is worth it for the money but I don't know.


Ocean, that gyaru mane was great stuff! Keep it coming.

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Have to admit when i was young and new to my job (and easily impressed) i dated one for a while in Sydney. Nice enough girl....


There is one next to the Hilton Hotel on George Street (basement level) called "Kylies" (or Kairies to the locals). Behind the McDonalds in Neutral Bay on Military Rd called Misono. Another at Crows Nest on Falcon Street called Falcons Nest. There is another behind Kings Cross, maybe Potts Point, called Crescent. There is also a Korean establishment in a Surrey Hills terrace house which is hideously expensive, the name of which i can't remember. Also another Korean joint in the Cross, also incredibly expensive, name escapes me.


Worth saying that the Aust. joints are bit more straight up than what is served up on your average excursion to Kabukicho....however gyakusammas (sp?) are always the same!

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