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Koko ga hen da yo nihonjin - gaijin dudes...

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A freind of mine was doing it and they put on a program on the Olympics where the Judo dude from Japan lost his gold medal bout to the French. The umpire of this match was a Kiwi and they wanted Kiwis to express their opinion. I never said a damn word as the Japanese guests said the whole thing.


The other one (they film two episodes in one day) was about cruelty to animals or something simialr.


How was it? About the same as wworking in a coal mine I would guess. Noisy, smokey, poorly paid and genreally just unpleasant.


I was acutally embarassed to be on the damn thing.


Cheap arses.

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I think I got about 1man per episode.


BUT, the Saturday prior to shootin gon Sunday you spend 8 hours going through a rehersal at the TBS building listening to prats make stupd arguements so they can get asked to speak by Takeshi or get their comment used in the program. Then on Sunday you hike all the way out to Choufu ro somewhere(forget where) to the studio at 10am and don't get home until midnight cause each 1 hour progrma requires 6 hours or so of filming.


Plus you have to listen to dribble half hte time from all those budding starlets.

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Wouldn't you know it...even the oppressive banality of Japanese TV requires 6 hours of prep for only 1 hour of "payoff".


Reminds me of where I used to work. Never have so many idle hands expended so much time and energy pretending to do lord knows what and failing at even that.


Notice I didn't even say "pretending to be busy", because they couldn't even imagine what "busy" really is, and so couldn't pretend to be it.



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Originally posted by Antonio:
Mogski.....i have to take issue with your coal mine analogy. Definitely not porly paid \:D

How about proctologist. No they are highly paid too...

Janitor! That's it. Janitor. (There better not be any Janitors here who take issue.)
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