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I had done 4years ago, anyone else had it done? how have your results been?

My eyes are still awesome, excellent vision, but at night time recently my night vision has not been as good, still pretty good, but not as good. Anyone had problems?

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my eyes were pretty bad, -5.o dioptres, had it done by an expert in NZ, called David Kent, LASIK is his bread and butter.

My eyes 4 years later a perfect still usually, 6/5 better than perfect. Before I had it done was night sight was terrible, but after the op it was really good again, but recently its decreasing a little, still very good, not awesome any more at night.

Overall I highly rate the op, long term I think there are no effects, PRK has been around nearly 20 years and no long term ill effects are to be seen.

Dont listen to opticians they will say its bad mainly because after the op they lose a customer who previously spents hundreds a year on contacts and glasses. Many opticians and optomertrists have lost thousands of patients in NZ and it worrying, truly worrying for them.


Plus peoples eyes change regardless of Laser ops or not. The more I think about it Recently I have been using the computer much more and reading more and I think that may well have more to do with it that the operation.

when i dont use a computer or read I can feel a difference in my eyes, after a week of skiing my eyes are like an eagle, a week on the 'puuter and I am Mr Magoo sa1135.jpg

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I've been thinking about getting this done for quite some time now. I'm a -6.5 in my left and -6 in the right. Luckily, my eyes have stabalized over the past two years. I still would like to see more data before I take the plunge. Do you have any good sites to check out with good info? I may just have to take a trip to NZ this Summer and check in with your doc. Hope he's on the south island! A little surgery, a little skiing, a little surfing - now that's a vacation \:\)

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My optician only speaks Japanese and I only speak English and German (Spanish coming soon). Grunting and pointing gets you far in Japan.


I was definately told by my optician in the states that computers/TV/Video games for prolonged periods of time WILL affect your eyesight. Funny how mine have stabalized and all I've done the last 4 years is stare at computer screens. Who knows - may be a person to person thing.?.


If you saw the movie Simone (sucked!) you would know that computer geeks die from staring at computer screens too much \:\)

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Yes, I think that's probably right. Studies in England showed that reading in poor light doesn't affect your eyesight, notwithstanding what your mum says.


Also, as a very heavy computer user, I can attest to the fact that although your eyes get tired, bloodshot, and your eyelids flicker with long use, your eyesight is not affected.


However, you may develop lazy habits of focusing on things at only 3 handlengths away from your face. A trip to the gelende certainly sorts this one out.

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this is the place I went to in ChCh NZ. Check out Dr Kents credentials, the dude is the LASIK master, if he doesnt have the skill or experience no one does. 7000plus satisfied customers

It cost $4000NZ to do both eyes 4 years ago, so i am figuring maybe $4500 now thats about $2500US.


It was the single greatest thing I have done for myself. No glasses, contacts. for a person who is active and has contacts or glasses, one of the top 5 greatest days of your life is when the take the covers off for the first time after the op the next day and you can see.....

The joys...scuba diving and not worrying about your mask flooding, not losing a contact on a powder day, your contacts not drying up in dry room, not ever taking out your contacts again,or putting them in, not fumbling for your glasses in the morning, being able to read an alarm clock across the room at night, your glasses not steaming up, not paying a kings ransom for disposable contacts, not forgeting to take the contacts out after getting drunk and passing out......the list goes on.

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My buddy was dodgy about doing it, he had full on coke bottles -10 and -11 dioptres!!!! he was blind!!! anyway after I did it successfully he raced in at the spped of sound and was sorted.

His eyes are still bang on perfect 4 years later.

I raved about it to a Japanese friend who did it last week, in Japan the surgery was only approved in 2000, very far behind the reat of the world. Many Japanese are play it safe for this kind of thing, but I was the catalyst for her to do it. She was soooo happy after she did it

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I haven't had it done yet, only 2.75 at the moment. I know several people that got it done, they all have worster night vision, halo when driving at night. Daytime vision pretty great, so overall not too bad. But wouldn't recommend it till your vision is worst then 5.o or higher.

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My eyes are still sweet! no changes 6 years on now. Night vision is actually pretty good again, I mustnt have been eating enough carrots when I first made the post ;-)

I still give it props, but make sure you go to a expert, dont go for the cheapest deal, your eyes arent air tickets.


two potential side effect are keratitis (inflammed corneal cells) and regression, one of my friends had Lasik done and suffered this double whammy. Very rare and very unlucky.

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