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There's plenty of cults in most developed societies... I think human nature, not Japanese social structure, is the main culprit.


And when you start focusing in on what differentiates a cult from more widespread beliefs, including those of the major organized religions, it's hard to come up with anything more specific than "stubborn, dogged holders of unprovable beliefs that most of the rest of us find stupid and unbelievable".


The stubborn, dogged belief part is, in and of itself, not a feature of cultish behavior. No cult has a monopoly on that. Rather, it appears to be an essential virtue in almost any religion. It is usually called "faith".


At one time in history, the Christian and Jewish religions were once small, ridiculed and persecuted cults.


As for beliefs that are "unprovable, stupid and unbelievable", what if I told you there was a cannibalistic cult of people who ate the flesh and drank the blood of a re-animated corpse, who expressly believe in spirits all around but when presented with the story of a ghost or spirit, snicker in disbelief and even once tortured, mutilated and burned to death the people who repeated them? If you haven't already guessed, the cult is called "Christianity".


If it hadn't existed until a few years ago, had suddenly sprung up with robes, censers, Jesus nailed to the cross icons and the miracle of transubstantiation, and only had a couple of hundred adherents, then imagine the laughter, derision and sneering to which we would subject it today.


I don't mean to belittle or sneer at Christianity or organized religion. Similar sarcastic comments could be made about Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, etc. No disrespect is intended.


I am just pointing out how some of the tenets of even the most widespread religions can be disingenuously characterized as foolish, bizarre and ridiculous, and how difficult it would be to explain to an alien why most cults are laughable while other systems of belief are not.

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bm - I think you steered clear of offending anyone by not agreeing or disagreeing, but I think your suggestion hit the nail on the head. Organized religions are in one way or another, cults.



*runs and hides...*

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without expressing an opionion one way or the other (still working on that) I think when you said "christianity" in that example you ment catholisism.

no one elece believes they are eating jesus every sunday do they?

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Jared, thanks for that clarification... I am almost totally ignorant of the differences among the various sects of Christianity. Is it only the Catholics then who believe in transubstantiation?

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