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jeepers, I just saw that the hotel I stayed at when in jakarta earlier this year has been bombed.


EVERYONE scoffed at me when I said that I considered not going as they (my employer) were putting me in an American hotel in Muslim Jakarta during the Iraq war.

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I was wathcing a movie the other day, I'm pretty sure it was the new Bond one, but there was a quote in there that stuck in my mind.

One mans terrosist is another mans freedom fighter.
I think it stuck in my mind because Bond films are normally non thinking movies. Not that this quote condones terrorist activity, but it gives you something to think about none the less.
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The hardest part for me to understand is why they would bomb and kill their own people.


At least i can understand their thinking when they bomb western countries as that's their target - but bombing your own country????


As a letter writer in todays SMH said (or similar)..."goodbye Indonesian tourism for the next decade".

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I just crafted my longest post to date and even went backa dn checked my spellig and grammar. Then my shittyshittyshitty toshiba laptop decided it was too hot and spontaniously shut down - just like the power was turned off. mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif


If you need a new laptop do not consider toshiba, everytime I try and do something processor intensive (or anything if the weather is hot) it shuts itself down. mad.gif mad.gif

the internet tells me others have this problem with toshiba laptops too - its not like they are cheap ones either.


Im gonna post in 2 parts incase my comp craps out again

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anyway the readers digest condensed version of the post I wrote earlier and lost is as follows.


Apparently the group involved wants all of southeast asia under fundamentalist islamic rule...


I really don't understand at all... What motivates these guys???


You gave the answer just before the question: Religion. Pretend for a moment that you absolutely believe the following. Not a shadow of doubt exists in your mind.


Imagine you are a good man. You work, feed your family, treat them well and serve your God. You do however live in a world full of people who have turned their backs on the one true God and have had their minds addled by the devil. It however is prophesied that order will once again return to the planet and that everyone will live according to the system designated by God - The Islamic State. A revolution is required to bring about this wonderful change will require some of the wicked to be slain. Many good men will also loose their lives. They will however go straight to heaven so its not really dying at all.

Anyway, God chooses YOU to be one his loyal soldiers, to fight evil, to restore Gods system to the Earth and to save the millions of people in your country from a certain trip to hell. Will you shrink from your responsibility to you God, your family and all the people of the earth who need saving?


If you GENUINELY believed this to be true would you do Gods work and blow up a key evil influence, which is killing the people in your country? (By corrupting them and sending them to hell rather than shooting them)


There is no question in my mind that THEY THINK that they are the good ones and that we are the evil ones. I don’t think that there is anyone in this world that think they are the evil ones killing the good.

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What are you ranting about? Martyrs?


The reason these people do what they do (I am in no way justifying it) is because they feel suffocated by what they see as Western, particularly US, cultural, political and economic invasion, into their world.


The minds of young and easily influenced and likely non threatening people are manipulated by a number of evil bast'rds to carry out terrorist attacks! In the name of god.


Things like the invasion of Iraq just fan the flames of extremism.


I disaprove of any kind of extremism. \:\(

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