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Another drug topic.


I have a friend in the UK whos best fried is destroying his life on heroin, by all accounts. Why he ever started on that crap, god knows, but in a bad state by all accounts.


Anyone with first hand experience of someone on it? And why did they start that downward spiral??

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Some of my colleagues at Pizza Hut did heroin. They were not the dimmest people there by any means. They believed they could 'handle it'. In fact it appeared as if they were handling it. I don't know about now though, as I didn't keep in touch with them.

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There is a very good reason why people get addicted to H. By all accounts, it is very very very F'ing amazing.


If you could get your hands on a medical grade stuff I suspect that you would have a pretty safe and very happy existence.


In the meantime it destroys peoples lives day in day out.


If you hear of a friend trying it them take out the back and beat the crapo out of him for taking such a risk.

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i have a number of friends who have been heroin addicts, and a number of people, on top of that, who have tried it, and did so only once or twice. i have also come into contact with large numbers of addicts in other areas of my life.


it is not instantly addictive, but social factors mean that it is easy to get sucked in, and difficult to get out. i sat on the edge of a group of heroin users for a short while. people can offer the appearance of being in control, when in fact they are very vulnerable - a push in the wrong direction can cause all control to be lost. the friend i (mistakenly) thought was one of the few who could handle heroin, died. he had a good job and used moderately for a number of years...but he couldn't quit. a very close friend was his girlfriend, and also an addict. eventually i told her to leave him if she ever wanted to be rid the drug. she did, he overdosed and died, she tried to commit suicide. many of the addicts i have known well, have been university students or graduates.


junkies are not all f***heads. some are completelty decent people that just ended up on the wrong track because of some poor decisions.


so whilst it is a safe attitude to avoid heroin at all costs, it does not follow that all (or even most)junkies should be scorned.

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my cousin was a fairly successful actor with lots of money in the bank and a new apartment in T.O. when he went out west for a part- found H and ended up six years later broke and shooting up in his feet and eyes as the rest of his veins were junk... scary scary shit... I did it a couple of times later and can say it is a really nice high ..like really good e but with that coke edge of I am the coolest...luckily I had snowboarding to help keep it all in check...Living in Whistler you can go one way or the other- party and ride or ride and party...I chose life but some of my bros were not so lucky...one of the advantages of inaka japan for me is the lack of hard drugs...now if I could just break this chatroom addiction

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incidentally, being a friend of junky is a very special role. u will be shat on thanklessly, and relentlessly. but if u can remain a friend u can save a person's life. (i refer not to my role but another good friend of mine who is one of the many unsung heroes in this world)

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Bloddy well said Miz.

I had a friend, very intelligent guy, into the metal scene in Melbourne, Australia, got into the H, ****ed himself up and came home to tassie to clean up. With a lot of help from some good friends in Tassie he went cold turkey, and after about six months was ready to go back to Melbourne. His old 'friends' picked him up from the plane, and before he even got back to his old flat he was using again! He lasted half an hour. Like many drugs, it is also the social scene that is part of the addition, cause if you give up the drug you have to give up a lot more as well, including all your friends and your old lifestyle. Please don't be too quick to judge, but do try to help if you can.

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