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Introducing Coca-Cola C2... for people who don't compromise. It's not about what you can't have. It's about getting what you want.

And having what you need.
Well f*ckin look out!

jesus, its a friggin drink! Not a nice one at that.

Rogers Head, this was not aimed at you, not an attack. But it was aimed at marketing, brand imaging and the idiot populace that buy into it.

Its all about getting what I want and having what I need. Yeeeeaaah.
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Nah I tried that C2 stuff Rog and thought it was mediocre at best, tastes more like Diet Coke to me, not as nutrisweety but it doesn taste the real McCoy. Took one sip, wrote it off as drinkable alone and proceeded to add some rum.

C2 - Just more marketing bollocks from Coke

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Deebs U an angry man.

U need surf bro & lots of it!


The only time I ever drink coke is with my AGM (after grog meal) which helps bring oin the AGB ( after grog bog). Other than that its a rank drink but a great substance! :p

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Indo - in this instance I didn't want to sound angry, just incredulous. But I see how I did sound angry.


For a while at uni my nickname was Angry. Mainly because I was going to the gym a lot, shaved my head and looked a bit like Henry Rollins at the time. Not long after that I was just called Henry. Seems anger has been my partner for a while.


I should be the next lead singer for Midnight Oil lol.gif

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it's a ploy to sell people on the South Beach and Atkins diet low-carb coke. simple as that. in japan, it's just another new softdrink to sell to the gullible dipshits that populate this country. 3/4 of my office is on this south beach diet craze. Let's see here, mix half a diet coke and half a regular coke - HELLO C2! Freaking brilliant. I've noticed a lot of Japanese in my office drinking it though. Again, new, fashionable, can't think for themselves........

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I get the distint impression that you don't like Japan and it's people Plucky.... I know you seem to be up against a lot of what you call racism here, but (don't take offence at this but) are you in any way racist yourself at all?

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Originally posted by grungy-gonads:
I get the distint impression that you don't like Japan and it's people Plucky.... I know you seem to be up against a lot of what you call racism here, but (don't take offence at this but) are you in any way racist yourself at all?
Sorry about my rant last week, but I just call things as I see them. I do admit, I was over the top and it was uncalled for and for that I apologize.

I really do like Japan and like a lot of the people that I have met. Yet, I really can't wait to get out of here. I think I've overstayed my welcome.

For a person like me, this is a tough place to live. I look at what they have done to this once beautiful place and it makes me sick. It's too much to get into here, but I just find it hard to believe that people haven't fought harder against the decimation of nature in this country. Hypocrisy is the word that comes to mind first. Me criticizing Japan like this is a lot like how people criticize America though. Again, too much for this topic. Sorry to go off on a tangent.

Anyway, to keep on topic, I went to the circle K today to get some caffeine - I wanted a normal pepsi. All they had was vanilla pepsi, lemon pepsi, vanilla coke and C2. I sometimes surf with the register guy and asked him where the normal stuff was. He doesn't speak English so all I got was a smile and a nod. He's a good surfer though.
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