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Playing along with the nihongo traditions

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I've noticed recently I seem to (increasingly) play along with the Japanese way of communicating, most specifically saying "sumimasen" and "yoroshiku" and "moshiwake nai" even if I don't really FEEL those things and don't want to say them. Whether thats a good or bad thing, I'm not sure.


Not saying them would not be good for some of the relationships I have. Saying them doesn't make me feel too good if I think about it in English, so I just try to block that out and go along with the Japanese style.


What about you?

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Yes! In order to keep the "harmony" or "wa" in society people will go out of their way to be polite even though they may feel just the opposite. It's part of the tatemae/honne culture. Truth has never been sacrosanct in Japan.

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"Playing along" is a strange way to describe not being impolite.

English has got some things that we don't mean but we say anyway. Half the people I say good morning to I don’t care if they have a good morning or not. In some cases I actually want them to have a bad morning but I say good morning anyway.

It's also very seldom that I would actually beg for somebodies pardon especially over something so small as not hearing what they said.

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