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I think that most legal drugs would tend to be overpriced, ineffective substitutes for the real thing. Drugs are used for their mind/mood altering properties generally, apart from alcohol and caffine where taste can be a big factor. The case of alcohol clearly demonstates a fundamental desire on the part of much of the population to get high. Alcohol is a drug we're allowed to use because, like tobacco, big corporations make a heap of money out of it.


I don't see much correlation between legal/illegal drug classifications and harm reduction. If this were the agenda then tobacco would be illegal and pot wouldn't be. How many people have died from a pot overdose? None. Any fool could grow his own pot if it were legal-making a decent single malt whiskey in the back yard is a different story altogether. Pot is illegal ,largely, because having it legal is not profitable enough. Lot's of people would grow/smoke their own, leaving the corporations out of the loop.

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I'm not sure if that's true.


Many people make there own wine/beer.


Growing Pot can be quite profitable. Not many people are going to grow their own if they can buy it legally in a shop. Also think of how much money is saved in enforcment by making it legal.


Also I think that most people drink because they like the taste. Sure many people including myself drink to get drunk but we have to be in the minority.

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I brewed my own wine and beer in college and it was great fun - and cheaper too than buying beer. Wish Japan had the resources to do that but you cant buy all the right ingredients here.


Beer, tobacco, and caffeine are the most abused substances and also the most addictive. How many of you out there tried to quit smoking but couldnt? How many people are in AA cuz they dont know how to drink properly? How many fights, drunk driving, deaths, rapes, what not occur due to alcohol? How many people HAVE to drink coffee in the morning and all day long? Addiction to these three things will bring about the highest numbers of abuse of ANY drugs in the world - legal or not.


The definition of abuse which determins the classes of drugs needs a good reexamination...

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Some good points Toque, particularly regarding enforcement costs. Sure you can do good homebrews but try making that single malt. People make money out of pot because it 'is' illegal, and of course there'd be some demand for a commercially produced product if it were legal. As a start-up it would be an easy business to get into. My point is that buying it would be unnecessary if you could be bothered growing your own. There's too much scope for the existing purveyors of mind altering substances to be left out of the game. I think it would actually become a product in with significantly reduced profit margins were it legal.


I agree most people don't drink simply to get wasted without regard to taste. Most are pursuing the taste 'and' some degree of intoxication. Try drinking one beer after not having alcohol for a while and you'll notice the effect it has. I'd argue that if moderate sensible drinkers didn't enjoy that mood enhancing effect then they wouldn't be drinking purely for the taste alone.


There are plenty of other reasons why pot is illegal and I'm just isolating part of the influence by one of the stakeholders. I don't think prohabition is pursued in the interests of protecting public health and in reality it does more harm than good.

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I'd argue that if moderate sensible drinkers didn't enjoy that mood enhancing effect then they wouldn't be drinking purely for the taste alone.
For sure. I like the taste of beer, but I can do without. Getting (at least) a bit tipsy is part of the attraction of it. I don't drink that much recently but like a beer every now and again and it's just just all about taste - otherwise I'd probably be on the fruit juices.
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Well low alcohol beers are there to cater to those who are purely out for the taste (in theory). I wish they tasted better though, sometimes I'd also like a beer without the alcohol effect. Still think the mood enhancement is a big factor for the majority of people who drink alcoholic beverages.

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yeah, this country even bans NyQuil, aleeve, and other similar stuff. If you need medicine get it sent from home, and if your parents can send it in a tiny package through UPS or something it should get through. Ive had medicine taken at customs but have had it get through by parcel. Go figure confused.gif

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And contrast the NyQuil issue with the fact that psychedelic mushrooms were legally available and sold in several varieties in front of big stations like Shibs, for years, until banned just before Japan hosted the last soccer World Cup.


Fear of hooligans hepped up on psilocybin, plus the over-reported story of one or two people who took too many mushrooms and were found drooling or gibbering in a konbini after hours created a witch hunt mentality and the good old things were banned...just a couple of years ago folks.



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And contrast the NyQuil issue with the fact that psychedelic mushrooms were legally available and sold in several varieties in front of big stations like Shibs, for years
Interesting, I never knew that, sheltered life I lead - what kind of people were the customers?
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