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Yes, me too.


Americans who still give a shit should investigate the information available suggesting that the exit polls were not mysteriously wrong, and that Karl Rove is not really so very clever - but that in fact the election was STOLEN AGAIN.


Then they should do something about it.

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I'm sure they won't mind me posting the faq


What's this site about?

Most people who think carefully understand that Americans are not really any more jingoistic or xenophobic than people in other countries, but it never hurts to reinforce, especially considering what happened on November 2nd, 2004. What must it have looked like to the world outside our borders? America proudly re-appointed her reckless, incompetent and corrupt government. How much of America? Fifty-two percent. The rest of us are aghast and dismayed.


Lots of fuss is made about the “global village.” The Internet was supposed to make communication between cultures, countries and peoples painless and easy. It was supposed to build bridges. But it doesn't do this automatically; somebody has to reach out. The Internet was supposed to lead to education and understanding. It doesn't. Rarely do people on the internet apologize. I thought it was high time. The world needs to understand that there are people in America who don't like what our government is doing. And from the mail we're receiving, there are people in the international community who appreciate this.


Also, come on, it's kind of amusing.





Why does America need to apologize?

It doesn't. Our message isn't normative; it doesn't require anything of anybody. We don't say you should be sorry or you must be sorry. Our apologies are voluntary. Situations like this are great sources of misunderstanding and rancor between cultures. We don't pretend apologies are the solution, but we don't see the harm in offering them.





Don't you understand that an apology is a sign of weakness?

You are free to think so; we are of the opinion that the willingness to apologize is a sign of courage and strength.





I sent you a submission. Why wasn't it posted?

There are two possibilities: one is that we haven't gotten to yours yet — there is quite a backlog — and one is that yours was rejected for one reason or another. I'm afraid the volume of submissions makes it impossible for us to reply to each one personally. Thank you for each and every one, though.





Why would a submission be rejected?

Our criteria are somewhat subjective. We wish we could publish everybody's picture, but we have standards for quality and limited server space. We will reject your picture if it is too hateful or hostile. We are about courtesy and communication, not insults and recrimination. You may hate Bush or think his supporters are idiots; we prefer not to give voice to such sentiments.


A submission can also be rejected for being too large (the limits are 75KB and 640px by 640px), too tangential (this site isn't about caricatures of Bush or other drawings unrelated to apology), or too illegible (please, don't write a novel, and please, make your writing readable to the camera).





Are you ashamed to be an American?

No. Are you ashamed to be a human?





Why are you self-flagellating?

Self-flagellation is a bit self-focused, isn't it? I want to give people a place to express their sympathy with the dismay of the rest of the world at this election result.





This is so pointless! Why aren't you out really supporting your cause? You know, volunteering, canvassing, running for office? You should be ashamed!

Who are you to say we're not? The second picture on our front page is a gentleman who has been canvassing for Kerry for the last three months. He's walked from door to door so much that his calves have turned into carbide steel. Don't you dare assume that we're not doing our part, just because we spared ten seconds to hold a sign up to a camera.





Why are you apologizing to the terrorists?

We prefer not to confuse terrorists with the rest of the world.





Why don't you just accept that Bush won and get on with your lives?

We have. That's why we're so sorry.





Bush rules, Kerry drools. So there.

Have a lolly.

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I hope all the hot-linking isn't going to cost them extra bandwidth fees....


I suspect a lot of them are aware that it's yet another stolen election but the site's policy seems to be one of slightly more 'neutrality' than openly stating that kinda thing.

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