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Good movies you've seen recently

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Perhaps you should stop looking up your own asshole.

I saw Alvin and the Chipmunks 3.   I would like to kill all chipmunks and all people called Alvin.

I reckon he stole more than a loaf of bread. 100 more like

Didn't Gravity have Sandra's Buttocks in it?


Yes, should have been a warning sign. That and George Clooney.


It would have been better with Michael Douglas, I reckon.


Couldn't have hurt.

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In it, he could have been a wealthy businessman who liked the ladies.

Or maybe a doctor.

I'm not sure if that fits in with the story, but they could probably adapt it a bit if required.



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Tried to watch Cloud Atlas and had to switch it off after half an hour......far too much faffing about and time changing to keep track of all the nonsense, and Forrest Gump had the worst Irish accent I've ever heard....rivalling Gladiator's bum Northern English accent attempt in Robin's Food.


It was so bad I watched Silver Linings Playbook, which is described as a romantic-comedy :omg: , and I actually liked it

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Tried to watch Cloud Atlas and had to switch it off after half an hour......far too much faffing about and time changing to keep track of all the nonsense, and Forrest Gump had the worst Irish accent I've ever heard....rivalling Gladiator's bum Northern English accent attempt in Robin's Food.


I persevered, and can give you the summary: Human are nasty creatures, and everything they touch turns to crap, including even the Earth itself. Even when they think they are creating something sublime, or doing something brave or noble, it turns out to serve nefarious ends or otherwise have negative repercussions in the future.


At least, that is what I got out of it.


(Plus something about teeth.)

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It was so bad I watched Silver Linings Playbook, which is described as a romantic comedy :omg: , and I actually liked it


That phrase is like a 注意 warning sign isn't it. A 警報 if Jennifer Aniston is also in it.

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