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I am stoked on the free skiing. I really don`t like paying for it. Especially if it is bulletproof, like i heard. Besided, my knee is still healing and i don`t need to go to a hill with great terrain where i will be tempted to try something stupid.


And teaching sideslipping in Japanese beats the hell out of teaching textbooks in English


As for the name, i don`t know. But i plan on wearing tight jeans when i teach.

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nice work!



hmm.. people actually ski in jeans in oz. it's always funny as it's only the beginners who do it, y'know, 'nah, i don't need fancy pants', but they're the ones who spend half the day on their asses.


(they probably spend the other half of the day trying to peel the wet jeans off?)

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Originally posted by bettyx:

hmm.. people actually ski in jeans in oz. it's always funny as it's only the beginners who do it, y'know, 'nah, i don't need fancy pants', but they're the ones who spend half the day on their asses.
Believe me
It's not only people in Australia that ski in jeans. But for their lack of ski clothing they make up for it with their enthusiasm
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