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I really must try to imoprove my English, but don't have time tostudy much.


I really wanna go out for snowboarding with some people in winter so we can have fun and learn (english and snowboard!).


Really look forward to the winter.

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hey, you know the slang "wanna", thats a pretty good sign that english is coming naturally. Keep up the good work.


Here's some more slang for you:


Person: "great snow isn't it"

Echineko: "too right mate, bloody awesome".

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Don't listen to any of them echineko.


You're doing fine. Now I'll teach you some more while we enjoy the snow at the same time. Hows about that then?


BTW, how many private messages from this board do you get echineko?

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Oh the other hand.....


Is it easy to get around in Japan only speaking english??


i can ask for the toilet in japanese and thats it...

"tori der wa doko deska?" -excuse the horriable spelling i would have a clue!


i hope its not like france were if u dont speak their language they will snob you!?!??!


whats it like English in Japan YAY OR NAY?

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I thought I knew some English. Now after reading this column, I think I'll need to learn a lot more to understand "Aussie-English". I'd better take some time off studying Japanese and learn some "proper" Aussie-English since I would like to go there some time in the future to catch some snow during our Summer months.


One more question? Do the Kiwis speak Aussie or is it similar or another language altogether?

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Originally posted by Markie:
One more question? Do the Kiwis speak Aussie or is it similar or another language altogether?
May I suggest that in learning your Aussie English you also learn a little about world history and world culture!

As a Kiwi I am offended. I am sure there are a few Aussies who maybe offended too.

It could be that the Aussie's speak Kiwi....(Now there's one that I am sure I ma going get a lot of shait for! Fire away Aussies \:D )

Becasue I am not a troll, I shall answer you nicely.

Both Aussie's and Kiwi's speak the Queen's English. Both Aussie's and Kiwi's have different accents in pronouncing this English and in some case diffrent names for the same things. But it is English. As English as the English from England. But not the scrapped about, ripped to shreds, lazy version of so called English spoken in the US.

Damn I am gonna burn on this one \:D

Okay. Edit to apologise for my off handed response. I can see you are in Hong Kong. If you are a Hong Kong national of native Chinese language then ignore the first part of my response which I shall redirect and revert to myself. ;\)
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My humble apologies to Mogski.

It's still a big mystery to me. Especially terms such as "fair dingkum" etc.. I find it hard to understand all that is said. I don't think that's the Queen's English! Anyway, as I said, it's all a mystery to me. But please don't be offended just because of my stupidity!

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for gods sake, words phrases like 'fair dinkum' are slang, not part of the language. I am pretty sure that most countries have slang that makes a non native speaker struggle to understand.


Besides, all these cliched australian slang phriases are not even used by australians, so dont come the raw prawn with me.


cheers big ears.

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