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Winter Stoke  

Then there's Sayama opening on the 25th. You haven't made it there yet, right?  

I am wearing them right now   for stokeness

ah no....6.30pm.......leaves Rusutsu around 4pm......but with the snow etc it might be later getting back to central Sap....and then I'd have to get a train home, showered, changed then back out again.....not really time in 1 hour

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My mistake, I read that as:


I have a bonenakai tonight at 7:30pm.

The bus coming back from the bonenkai only gets back 6:30am tomorrow morning (!)

Shower early tomorrow morning and get ready and then go snowboarding.



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Its puking down in Akita today by the look of the news up to 40cm in some places.

Iwate also.


Been snow showers on and off all day here but not enough to cover.

Its been so cold though that each snow flake that has hit the ground has frozen and stayed there so lots of white spots everywhere but thats all.

The wind has been really strong all day and still is.

It is trying to snow a little harder now.



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Just going up to Teine.....was thinking about Rusutsu, but I've a bonenkai at 7.30pm and the bus back won't get in till about 6.30......need to get home and showered etc.....so decided to just stay local

Rusutsu Looks Good

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Just going up to Teine.....was thinking about Rusutsu, but I've a bonenkai at 7.30pm and the bus back won't get in till about 6.30......need to get home and showered etc.....so decided to just stay local

Rusutsu Looks Good


Yeah, probably should've went there BUT just too giri giri with time for my night out tonight

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