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My years living in Japan are completely lost years music wise. I was never really into music. Can barely remember ever buying a record, tape or cd. Maybe only a few in my whole life. I recieved a few more as presents over the years. But whilst in Japan I didn't listen to radio, didn't watch TV and didn't seek out any contemporary music at all. So any music or bands that came out during that period is just a complete unknown to me. I've still never heard one song by Justin Bieber. From what I understand I'm haven't missed much.

Even now back in Aus I barely listen to any contemporary music as I mostly listen to either talkback radio or stations that play music from the 70's to the 90's.


Similar here. Now it's all about podcasts or maybe Accuradio 60's to 90's stations on my one hour commutes to and from work.

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Podcasts do my head in they just babble on and on and if they play music it is some shit that no one has ever heard of.

Instead I just listen to thousands of music vids which I have downloaded from the 80's to mid 90's.

And I listen to that.

The modern day music is mostly crap from a bunch of talentless money hungry singer wanabees.


With the exception of Lady Gaga which I really like her and her music and the Japanese singer Jamosa I cant say there is anyone else worth listening to these days.

Adele can sing well but her music is just so dull it sends me to sleep.

Not knocking her though as she has a good voice and can actually sing very well live just her music is not for me.




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My problem is that I have over an hour of driving each way for my commute and music gets tiring pretty quickly. If I didn't have that I probably wouldn't listen to podcasts that much. There are only a few I listen to and those are all Adam Carolla's shows.

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