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Non-smokers deserve more annual leave or pay than smokers.

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The provision of facilities for people to live harmoniously is a very very good idea, even if it costs a little bit more.


Those smoking glass rooms are not provided in Aus. People are simply told to go outside and they gather around the doorways and pathways, so they paint red lines and the words NO SMOKING around the doorways - but still people smoke there.


I would be THRILLED if they spent a few of my tax dollars to build one of those rooms in each airport in Australia. It would increase the comfort levels for a WHOLE lot of people. Those people being the NON SMOKERS. Smoking rooms are built for the benefit of non smokers.

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Originally Posted By: Mamabear
Those smoking glass rooms are not provided in Aus. People are simply told to go outside and they gather around the doorways and pathways, so they paint red lines and the words NO SMOKING around the doorways - but still people smoke there.

And that means that, to get into the termnal, one has to, whether one wants to or not, walk through the pall of smoke. That is my major beef. Agree with mama, that an effectively evacuated (by that I mean that the air is removed, not that it is a vaccuum!) area for smokers should be provided. It doesn't have to be a glass walled area, just has to remove the pollution from the general area.

Now, if restaurants want to have a "bob each way" and allow smoking, and have a non-smokoing area, they should, at the very least, ensure that the air extraction system was sufficient to remove the smoke from the general area. In that case, the air for the non-smoking area would not be suffering the smoke. As well, the smoking area must be at the rear of the restaurant, so that the non-smokers do not have to walk through the smoking section to get to their table.

I guess we'd have to allow the smokers to smoke on their way in and out (that would be least worst option, I think).

GN, we've debated this before, and I understand your point of view, mate. However, you must accept that there is a rather large portion of the world's population who dislike the smell of cigarette smoke, and dislike even more the effect that smokers have on the taste of their food.

Whether there is "definitive" science behind the various claims is debatable and, as you say, you can find as many studies which support the anti- as support the pro- arguments. I would question the value of most of these studies because of the inherent difficulty of finding the source of funding and the bias implied by that.
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Cheers, JA. you have good ways to put it down in words. You have got it down precisely what I wanted to say about how data from scientific process can be presented to influence people, according to their motives. I understand GN's point of view, too. And thanks GN for your civil response. wink

People have a right to enjoy, smokers and non smokers alike but if one interferes with the other, ie) food with smoking

Something must be done. I just want to see some tolerance when these measures are taken, whether its glass walls or air ventilation systems because they are not perfect.


As with BM's post, Japan makes trillions of Yen from Tabacco tax. The country never accepted tabbaco related death - they were late on the health label warning and when there were, a simple "For health reasons be careful not to smoke too much"

When you take on JT, you are taking on the country funded by tabacco tax, politicians descend as JT directors ... say no more

Japan is a hard place to live if you are a non smoker, Germany is worse. Also people smoke those stinking French cigarette. Gool-waaz no smoker in the right mind would smoke that crap.

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Originally Posted By: JA
I guess we'd have to allow the smokers to smoke on their way in and out (that would be least worst option, I think).

Why? confused

Smokers in general are happy to refrain from smoking in certain area's as long as they are not totally banished from society.

If a restaurant was to provide a walled partition with grand extraction fans at the back to accommodate both preferences then I have not yet met a smoker who will moan about having to butt out to walk between the street and the rear smoking area.

But these are common sense middle of the road solutions to real life problems, and neither the Japanese or the Australian Government will make them. They debate and over think stuff FAR too much!
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Found the follwoing info for Australia. This is info from The Cancer Council which is certainly not pro smoking. Moved here from the litter thread.



Retail sales of cigarettes and other tobacco products totalled $10.1 billion in 2006–07, representing about 5% of all retail sales in Australia.37 About 35,000 retail businesses sell cigarettes and tobacco products in Australia.38 A study commissioned by British American Tobacco Australia estimated that in 1999–2000, about 57,500 full-time equivalent jobs were generated by the demand for tobacco products.39 This total included 310 people employed in growing, 3270 in manufacturing, 18,460 in retailing and distribution and 35,650 as a result of the flow-on effect in other sectors.




Even taking into account the considerable revenue forgone in income and indirect taxes resulting from smokers having died prematurely and not being in the workforce or consuming products, in 2004–05 tobacco tax revenue exceeded tobacco-attributable costs borne by the public sector by more than $3.5 billion. Of this surplus, $2.7 billion accrued to the Commonwealth and about $800 million to state and territory governments.


There is often the implication that smokers are a drain on the health system but at least in Aus where taxes are high on cigs smokers actually add quite a bit to the economy in terms of jobs and cash. So smokers are actually helping keep healthcare costs down for the non smokers. Make sure you thank the next smoker you meet for their contribution to society razz

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Originally Posted By: Go Native

There is often the implication that smokers are a drain on the health system but at least in Aus where taxes are high on cigs smokers actually add quite a bit to the economy in terms of jobs and cash. So smokers are actually helping keep healthcare costs down for the non smokers. Make sure you thank the next smoker you meet for their contribution to society razz

Guess it all depends on which country you live in, and also the proportion of smokers to non-smokers?
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