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I figured that we were going way off topic on that thread so best to make a new one.


Sorry guys but no matter how you say it jumping off that chair was wrong.

It is as wrong as ducking that closed rope at alta crazyski, you now it.

Lifts have derailed by lift jumpers.

Change your clothes it wont change the fact that your not japanese and your riding fat boards on a non powder day.


As a guy who has lived and skied here and never had his pass pulled here is a good rule to live by. Dont rub it in patrols face. You guys by now have seen your bosses berate someone right? what do you think will happen at that nameless resort if the higher ups hear what happened?

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chastising toque was not sarcastic. bad, bad boy, really. for the record (i guess this is all on record, eh?), i respect fattwins history and rep here in Japan. ducking ropes in alta is bad. never did it, and almost nobody else, including some of the best skiiers i've seen, did it either. hopefully luck and karma will be with me this year with patrol.


powder to the people.

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I regret the fact that me jumping off a chair could have had consequences for inoccent people.


But there was nobody on the lift at the time other than the two people I was skiing with.


I was willing to sacrifice there bodies for me to get some powder.


but seriously though it is not that different from driving a speeding car with friends in it. If you mess up your friends have to pay the price. Will that make you stop speeding. Probably not. Will I jump off another chair. Probably not. But never say never.

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Fair enough, Fattwins. Just that attitudes like this are just real tiring.....




It's not really just like driving a speeding car at all, now is it?


The possible consequences are not only the friends you're with at that time... but all of us, into the future.

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YOu gotta understand that there are many people tring to get the powers that be to open up terrain. When we go around and do things like this it defeats what others are tring to do.


Nisekos program is subject to change at anytime, thus doing something there that they dont like or if an avi hits they could change their minds.


Cortina had open trees then closed them again for no other reason.


Hakuba 47 has used violence to stop people from riding trees.

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How about this.


Short term - I had a great run. It was super deep untracked snow down a line I had been eyeing. And it was a great rush.


Long Term - Bad idea. Could have had evil consequences. May create a bad situation for the next gaijin that go there to this hill.

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What's with the violence at Hakuba 47 to stop people from riding the trees? What do they do? They use electric shocks if they catch you? Whatever it is they are doing, I was there last weekend and I can tell you that it is not working. Boarders were all over the various tree sections throughout the day.

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