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Got a call from Nihon TV at the weekend inviting me to take part in a programe for new year some time to be filmed tomorrow. Idea is I have to Sumo wrestle against some retired Ozeki, if I win I pocket 1 million Yen!!!! Simple as that........... :rolleyes:

So if anyome has some Sumo tips.......... \:D

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Just found out the ozeki is Terano, and he is about the same weight as I am 100kgs but the added advantage of a lifetime practice under his belt!!

Very bizzare but just went to local Gudon place around the corner and bumped into a family I know. Turned out the father was a Sumo referee!!!! Told him about the bout tomorrow and he proceeded to take me out in the parking lot and teach me the basics of Sumo much to the amusement of the other clientelle at restaurant!!!!

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terano?? Man, he was good. He was a little dude who could match it with the big boys. AND he was always slimish anyway so shouldn't have lost much of the advantage he always had.


Good luck. Get some pics for us.

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Originally posted by Bushpig:
terano?? Man, he was good. He was a little dude who could match it with the big boys. AND he was always slimish anyway so shouldn't have lost much of the advantage he always had.

Good luck. Get some pics for us.
Cheers for the confidance booster Bush!
lol.gif :p Maybe I can blind himwith the flash of my camera as he comes at me then take him!!
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wow, Terao while retired is still in top shape. he is an Oyakata (boss of a sumo stable) and he gets in the ring every day and trains hands on.

Sorry Farqhuar its not some rusty dude that you are getting, you are getting a wiley veteran in good physical condition.

Here is my take. Terao's main style was oshi sumo - thrusting, he flailed his arms like a windmill at the torso and head of his opponent, he wasnt big on yotsu sumo - that is grabbing the mawashi (belt) of the opponent.

Your best bet is to get in really close and as quickly as you can to his body, if you stay back at arms length you will have no show at all.

You are rugby player right? go for a ball and all style tackle, coming in low dont stand up to quick, try to surprise him and get in as close as you can and try to get your hands on his mawashi ( I assume you will wearing one) if by miracle you get in this position, then march him backwards or pick him up and dump him like a rugby tackle, since you are 100kg and probably taller than him and a lot younger its not to immpossible to think it happen.


good luck.


















here are vids from 2000. he is the little dude in the red mawashi, see how if he flails his arms he is hard to contain, but the guys in that video who got his belt and got in close, had him, not always as he was so damn fast.

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> you should show honor to wrestle against him.


That's exactly why scrum psychology will work. Before you get down for the tachiai, make sure you have his attention then purse your lips and slide your little finger into your mouth. You'll soon be a million yen richer.


(BTW, have you investigated the insurance prospects of the novice gladiator...?)

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Terao (his current name as an Oyakata is actually Shikoroyama) will face 100 amateurs in row it seems! lets hope you are the end Farqhar in the 80's or 90's, but seeing as you are a biggun' they will probably get you up first then get 100 pound weiners to fight him last.





私共は、下記のような番組の放送を予定しており 414;す。


【番組名】 日本テレビ系列 「スポーツえらい人GP 世界記録 24037;場(仮)」

【放送日時】 2006年1月7日(土) 21:00~


【企画概要】  番組内で、『錣山親方の100人抜き& #12303;という企画を考えております。

錣山親方が敗れた場合、勝者の方には100万円を贈呈& #12289;

その時点で企画は終了というルールで実施する予 450;です。


【収録日時】  2005年12月14日(水) 午後~ ※詳細は未定です。

【会場】  中台運動公園 (千葉県成田市)



今回、『錣山親方の100人抜き』において、親方の対& #25126;相手になっていただける


つきましては、当企画にご参加下さる相撲経験者 398;方をご紹介いただけないかと



なお、誠に勝手ながら、下記のような条件をご理# 299;いただければと思っております。


・対戦相手に有名人の方なども予定しております& 306;係で、


・対戦の順番は、制作側に一任していただくこと 290;



以上、こちらの都合ばかりで申し訳ございません 364;、

ご検討の上、ご協力の程、よろしくお願い申し上 370;ます。


              日本テレビ「スポ 540;ツえらい人グランプリ 世界記録工場(仮)」

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    東京都目黒区中目黒3-5-8 山源ビル4F

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