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A new low.


Thursday night was our christmas party and our small team had a reservation at a hyper trendy London lounge bar on the company account. It was an over rated venue that served clearly appalingly terrible food. But it was all about getting drunk and that is what we did.


Today my hangover was beyond description. It was so bad that I was forced to sleep in the office toilet cubicle. I have done this before, nothing new. However, this time I was so ill that I had to lay in the foetal position on the somewhat confined cubicle floor using a squashed roll of toilet paper as a pillow. I lay there half asleep for one and a half hours with dribble coming out of my mouth and the noise of fellow bankers shitting and pissing and farting in the adjacent cubicles. When I woke up I was so nauseous that I endured 15 minutes of uncontrollable dry retching. Nothing came up but bile and tears in my eyes. It was only 11am in the morning and was indeed a new all time personal low in my life. There was nothing but bile.


cheers and merry christmas.

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Hahahahahaha! Mate, I have just come back from a night on the piss, rather drunk, and find myself laughing uncontrollably at your misfortune! Hopefully I won't be anywhere near that tomorrow! Hope it doesn't carry over into the third day!


BTW can totally relate to sleeping in the loo with a hangover! Did it many times at a job I had in uni!

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That sounds awful!


I get drunk way too easily - one glass of wine and I'm giggling like an idiot. This is quite embarrassing but also good in a way because I never actually manage to drink enough to be hungover the next day. :p

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can't be that bad you've recovered enough to post this.


I can't relate as I'm such a light weight I'd be dead before I got to your state


....wait a minute it's all coming back to me...Germany...beer...Techilla Slammers...next day at work I lay on the floor while co-workers covered for me.....uuurgh the memory of it makes me want..to......I can't find the instant graemlin for Throw Up.....too late

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I've had a few experiences like that. Once I slept in the toilets for 3 hours! And I still felt like death after that, and had an unshceduled meeting that afternoon. As you can imagine I was a nightmare.


What were you drinking spud?

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Hey, has anyone tried those Alcodol tablets? They're supposedly "hangover prevention" tablets. I've also heard that you can now get these tonic shots which you mix into your drinks that are also meant to keep you from feeling seedy the next day. I think the tonic is made up of electrolytes to keep you hydrated, etc.


I wonder if it really works or whether it's just a scam?

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Originally posted by Yamakashi:
...he was JET the same time as Taz, Ian, et al. and lived in Higashi-Hiroshima quite close to me... huge partier/drinker/nampaer
So is nampa the term for a sleazy guy or just a guy(or girl?) that likes to pick up?
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Friend of mine was so drunk he fell asleep in the pub toilet. His mates thought he'd gone and left him. When he woke up he staggered out of the toilet in total darkness.He staggered into the bar and the burglar alarm went off, shortly followed by an irate pyjama clad landlord who threw him out. It was the middle of the night and he didn't have any money so he staggered back to work and managed to get a security guard to let him in. He went and slept under his desk until his colleagues came in. Borrowed some money and got the train home.


I am supposed to go out for a friends birthday drink tonight but after reading this thread I'm going to rest my liver. ;\)

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I remember a late night out in Osaka (America-mura) was followed by waking up around the back of a McDonalds, in the gutter.


Upon awakening still drunk...very drunk, I "worked" for an hour or so in one of those little hippy clothes shops they have.


Just a drunken, smelly, stained gai-jin shouting at young kids to "...buy this sh!t it's great!"

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America mura (America village)


The area of Osaka that is chockas full of shops selling american style (mostly hip-hop fashions) clothing. Seems to be the place where a LOT of young people hang out. Fairly interesting place to see at night for the first time.

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