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hey there... just got myself some rossi soft boots and was wondering if anyone had any? how would you rate them... any info? my last pair of salomon boots (my very first pair " title="" src="graemlins/cry.gif" /> but a pair i didn't get to choose cos there was only one pair of 22cm boots in the country at the time!) have been ok, but i've got issues with my right foot now (started last season when doing my first full season of skiing, it hurts!!!).


anyways, the boots are an experiment because they were only 1man on sale (not a bad price \:D )

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Originally posted by Shimba:
they were only 1man on sale (not a bad price \:D )
On no! You traded your only 1 man, Jared, for a pair of boots? Surely for that you should have got them to throw in a pair of ski and bindings as well!
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Well when I first heard about a half leather half plastic ski boot I was skeptical. Just like its name they are probably very soft. Which always seems to be bad. But since then I have bought some very soft skis. Wonder how they would go together. If I am not mistaken you have the same skis as I do.


Really though when skiing powder your boots don't need to be that stiff. Might be difficult when trying to go really fast.


I would love to hear a review.

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Wow Toque, you bought some soft skis? That's interesting because I'm just about to do the opposite. My friends all noted that when they see me going steeps and making hard turns, they see my skis bend and arc a lot and I have found this gives me less control and so I will probably be buying stiffer skis this summer when the annual half-price summer sale starts.

Please let me know what do you like about the softer skis?

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what kind of terrain would you say you ride the most?? what is your skiing style like (aggressive, lazy turns, etc...)...


soft skiis nice in pow bumps and park...

stiffer skiis for groomers, high speed stuff, technical terrain...


all-mtn. type skiis (midfats) usually have a good balance...



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I tried the soft boots on this winter when I was in Las Vegas and shopping for new boots. My number one priority was comfort. I wouldn't call the Rossi Softs all that soft - the leather uppers definately make them more comfortable and are soft, but as far as boot rigidity goes, they are right there with most mid-level boots (as opposed to racing boots or beginner boots). Now, I haven't skied them and my only experience was walking around in them. I tried on probably 15 different pairs of boots that day and they felt just as stiff as most others. Problem is, I have a fat foot and the toe was too narrow for me.


I've been very happy with the Salomons I purchased for this season but wouldn't mind giving the Rossis a go sometime (in a wider version of course)

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Plucky, if you're right, I'll definitely have to get a pair even though I'm quite happy with my present pair. I'll wait for more feedback after Shimba's tried hers.


Danz, thanks for your input. I like to ride on all kinds of terrain but I guess I'm quite aggressive and like to step on the gas a bit. I'm also thinking of slightly shorter skis, 160s instead of the 170s I'm now using.

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Owning soft skis or boots for that matter doesn't mean your not an aggresive skier. Soft skis are way better in powder no matter how fast your going.


Danz is skiing a faily stiff powder ski. Volkls with I am assuming a stiff racing boot as he has a racing background.


I am skiing a fairly soft powder ski. Bigstix 10.6 with a fairly soft freestyle boot.


Most of the fat skis these days are super soft. You should really try one out. They are lots of fun and you would be suprised with the control. Seth Morrison one of the best freeskiers in the world skis on his own Seth Pistol which is from what I have heard very soft. So what I am trying to get at is. Soft ski does not mean loss of control.


Danz your leaving soon arn't you. Good luck in Washington. Get a few days up at Blackcomb on Spanky's before the season ends.

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hey tiger...


160?? man, those would be waaaay too short for you...I dont remember you being a short guy.

how tall are you??


I am on 180s now and never wish my skiis were shorter...sometimes whished they had a few extra cms on them...


I even think 170 is short for you man...but that is just me


toque, I wasnt suggesting soft skiis for non-aggressive riders, only that aggressive skiers might feel dissapointed by soft skiis on certain terrain (and vice-versa...a bump skier would hate having a stiff ski underfoot)...if you like bullet-proof snow at high speeds, than a soft ski

would not be what you want...



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Hey red-beard, how's it going?

The main reason for my wanting shorter skis is that I think that makes it easier to weave about in the moguls. My height is 178 and I am quite comfortable on 170s but would like to try out something shorter for aggressive turns.

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unless you want to be a specialist slalom skier, than dont go with a 160...


at 178cm tall you should be on a longer ski...best bet would be to demo a bunch...you will never be able to make nice fast wide open turns on 160cms, and I dont even want to think about powder in someting that short...



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For some good boot reviews go to www.bootfitters.com and also www.realskiers.com (among many ski sites) for ski reviews.


This year I got a pair of Head FreeRide 9.5. Love 'em. Might still need some more tweaking, but in general they're a good lateral boot, quite neutral in stance with a nice sweet spot. Funny thing was that I had tried on those boots in my last year's boot buying fiasco, and at the time between me and the guy in the shop we were worried they might be too small as my big toes were really pressing... But that was before I got my footbeds made, and trying them on again this year with footbeds in there made all the difference. Indeed, if anything they're a tiny bit loose (gotta tighten up those buckles now that they've had a chance to wear in), but shell size is good, so I think it's just cos my foot isn't high volume. Might get custom liners next year to take care of that.


I had tried on the Salomon Course boots - even snugger fit, but the rear spoiler wasn't adjustable and I have high volume calves so it kept pushing my legs forward, not a comfortable position for balance. I was able to take the spoiler off the Heads.


I was looking at cross skis in Kutchan, some good deals. They also had those Phat Luvs there, but only 155 (or something), really cheap, but not long enough for me. I'm currently skiing on a (free for the trip) pair of 160 Salomon Crossmax 8W which are 69 under foot. I'm around 163/164cm, I wanted them a little longer, but couldn't get them. They're fine for the piste, but I definitely want something a tad longer for off piste, though I guess if I had a fatter ski it mightn't be too bad, still I think slightly longer would be better for me. Those K2 Axis series look nice too.... Quite cheap in Kuchan - late season sales. If you folk are interested I can dig out the name of the shop - he said he'd takkyubin to Tokyo if I decided to buy any after I get back from Hokkaido (pay by credit card over the phone, or I guess you could do C.O.D. too....)


I saw those Seth Pistols - wow - talk about faaattt skis!



PS - today some cooler weather and a bit of powder up here again after a spring-like warmer week. Congratulate me, woo hoo, today I think I finally got the hang of powder turns, though (heh heh) probably still needs more practise to maintin it. Definitely makes some fatties a bit tempting...

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gonna try them out on saturday... getting the therma fitty thing done today and getting my foot beds put in... will let you know \:D

soft should be ok anyways, as i usually ski with most of my buckles pretty much undone on my boots (except when i want to go faster). to quote a guide at hakkoda on being asked how the soft boots he had were... "they're not really soft"


I'm also thinking of slightly shorter skis, 160s instead of the 170s I'm now using.

nooooooo!!! i ski on 158 twins and 170 big stix and according to the height chart on my wall (i got free with a carton of calpis...), i'm 157cm tall. i previously had 150cm carving skis and they were fine, but shorter is definately not better. much more stable with a bit more length... \:D
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Originally posted by jared:
Since Australia has gone from being a colony of England to Americas little bitch then maybe you could replace the union jack with a US flag in the top left corner of the aussie flag.
Calm down there. No need to bring international politics into a boot conversation. lol.gif lol.gif
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well, back to those soft boots... i discovered that my old boots don't have much of a forward lean on them and why i've been so comfortable all these years when everyone else wasn't...


anyway, saturday was a bit of a killer, the boots feeling pretty narrow and my poor feeties squished... add to that the extra forward lean that wasn't present in my other boots... and they are not that soft...


but on sunday, they had packed out (maybe all that hiking of the table the day before, which unfortunately didn't result in any improvement on the jibbing front) and were a completely different boot - i'm still wondering if they somehow got switched!!! so now they feel great!! anyway, gotta go make my lunch for school \:D

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Good to hear that you enjoyed them.


I don't think they would have packed out already.


Rossignol has an interesting liner where as your feet get warming the shell moulds more to the shape of your foot. And then when they cool it goes back. I don't really like this as my boots are packed out and as the day goes on the boots get looser and looser no matter how much I tighten them.

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