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  1. Accommodation Information on Hotel Shirakabaso in Shiga Kogen, Yamanouchi, Nagano can be found here: https://www.snowjapan.com/japan-places-to-stay/nagano/yamanouchi/hotel-shirakabaso
  2. Accommodation Information on White Rabbit Madarao Kogen in Madarao, Iiyama, Nagano can be found here: https://www.snowjapan.com/japan-places-to-stay/nagano/iiyama/rental-cottage-white-rabbit-madarao-kogen
  3. Accommodation Information on Active Life Madarao in Madarao, Iiyama, Nagano can be found here: https://www.snowjapan.com/japan-places-to-stay/nagano/iiyama/madarao-elm-pension
  4. Resort Spotlight The Resort Spotlight for the Okushiga Kogen resort in Shiga Kogen, Yamanouchi, Nagano Prefecture can be found here: https://www.snowjapan.com/japan-ski-resorts/okushiga-kogen
  5. Resort Spotlight The Resort Spotlight for the Nozawa Onsen resort in Nozawa Onsen, Nagano Prefecture can be found here: https://www.snowjapan.com/japan-ski-resorts/nozawa-onsen
  6. Resort Spotlight The Resort Spotlight for the Hakuba Norikura Onsen resort in Otari, Nagano Prefecture can be found here: https://www.snowjapan.com/japan-ski-resorts/hakuba-norikura-onsen
  7. Day 29: March 15th 2014: I went to Madarao and Tangram, thanks to SJ, well the Madarao side of it. By paying 1500 yen I was able to get a full mountain pass, with handing in the voucher, which then gave me quite a lot of terrain to ski on. As these two resorts are joined I will review them together here. When I got up it was sunny and blue sky all around, and when I arrived in Madarao about 1.5 hours later it was also sunny and blue sky, and it had snowed the night before, after existing the motorway at Toyota Iiyama, the roads had snow on them, so that was a good thing to see. This
  8. Here is the link for this place. http://www.snowjapan.com/japan-ski-resorts/nagano/komagane/senjojiki Has anyone been? If so, how was it? It looks like an epic location. It looks like the lift is a "T-bar" which I have no experience with (is it kind of like a bunny hill rope tow?). I've also seen people climbing the surrounding peaks from here which is also intriguing to me. Boarding down from the ridge line could be amazing too! Any info would be appreciated.
  9. I made my third visit to Tsugaike last Monday courtesy of an unclaimed ticket from the SJ Giveaways, so a BIG thanks to SnowJapan and Hakuba Alpen Resorts for the chance to go back there. I chose Tsugaike over the other resort options for 2 reasons:- 1) It's very beginner-friendly so perfect for my other half's 5th ever day on a board and 2) I wanted to check out the top ropeway that Chriselle and I discovered last season:- http://www.snowjapan...ews/detail/2018 Assuming that you're not interested in beginner-shenanigans, here's a pictorial of my ropeway run:- 1. From the trail map
  10. Setting out from my house in Gunma at 5:30 in the morning I wasn't sure exactly what to expect both from the drive and the conditions when I arrived at Ryuoo. I decided to take the toll free course up the 145 towards Kusatsu but with the 292 obviously being closed in winter headed over the pass towards Ueda then through Sugadaira and finally down through Suzaka and finally to Ryuoo. The drive was beautiful. Mt. Asama having been hit by the fresh snow looked like a gigantic pile of whipped cream. The views from Suzaka of Mt Myoko and the alps where also amazing and had me thinking "I could live
  11. Ryuo Ski Park has been on my list for a while now and I was always leaving it to go there on a fine and clear day. I had some time that I could use today and so looking at the forecasts last night I thought the day for Ryuo had arrived – forecasts were for clear weather and sunny warm temps. Better go now before spring really takes hold, was part of the thinking too. So left home just before 7am and it was sunny here, so hopeful that I’d get a really nice clear one over there. Come round the corner from Nozawa on Route 117 to check out Kijimadaira…. where is it?!? Oh dear, lost in thic
  12. Day 26 Mar 9th 2014 : For our 26th day out we went to a resort that we hadn't been to for about 6 years and the main reason for going was because my daughter and I were competing in a technical ski race, something we had never done before. Both of us have done slalom and I often practice slalom for fun but have never done a technical ski course were by you have to ski down a slope with waves on it using certain styles and then your are marked with points. The better your style the more points you get. Well having not done this before we didn't really know what style we should use except for
  13. So it was the first long weekend in January and I decided to get a group together and head to Takaifuji X-Jam, not because I aspired to be a park rat but because I hoped it would be a bit quieter on the long weekend. After spending two long weekends in Hakuba last season I didn't want to go back this year as the 30 minute queues for a lift pass tend to be a bit of a turn off for me. My plan did work to some degree as with the peak of the crowds the longest I had to wait was maybe 5 minutes. Most of the time there was either no queue or I had to wait for 5 chairs at the most. The resorts in M
  14. Tsugaike Kogen in Hakuba, Nagano is open (only the top of the mountain) and conditions are good! If you're not too far away, its worth the trip to brush up your skills for the season!
  15. Without going into too much detail, I am trying to look at property in nagano but its hard googling in english. It would be great if someone could link me to good local real estate websites or even just give me the correct search term to use. Any help is much appreciated
  16. I will post pics after, but not at the moment too late and takes too long. Also conditions were not good for taking photos, but will get them up later this week, promise! We left Kofu around 7am, and travelled around 190k before existing the motorway at Toyota Iiyama, followed the small road for about 10k before arriving at Madarao Kogen at 9:15am. We actually parked in the car park right outside Madarao Kogen hotel, as it was empty. The hotel is situated right at the resort and is basically a ski in/out hotel, which was great. After dumping our stuff in the SORA NO IE (it’s the name
  17. I’d visited Tsugaike last season albeit only for a morning, but had liked what I had seen so was looking forward to a return visit, aided by the free lift ticket I’d received from those kind people at SJ so a big thanks to them and Hakuba Alpen Resorts. As previously, I took the free shuttle bus from Happo Information Centre (which goes via Hakuba Iwatake) and was soon heading up the Central Triple Chair Lift. The sun was out, as was the helicopter that runs heli-skiing tours at Tsugaike. I’m not sure how the snow would have been higher up but it was definitely Spring conditions lower down
  18. Last season I made two March trips to Goryu and was lucky enough to score powder days both times. On this occasion I was not so lucky but still had a good time at what is becoming one of my favourite resorts. First off, thanks to SJ and Hakuba Goryu/47 resorts for the free ticket – very much appreciated! This trip I was on beginner-teaching duty, so the majority of my time was spent on the lower slopes in the Toomi Zone above Base Center Escal Plaza. The first day was a bluebird and although slushy with the warmer temperatures, the pistes weren't overly busy, so we had plenty of room to pl
  19. I've got an invitation this week to go to either sugadaira resort in Nagano or Myoko kogen in Niigata. I'll have to drive to both so transportantion isn't important. I'm wondering which is your preference?
  20. First of all I would like to thank Madarao and Snow Japan for the free lift tickets. I can honestly say I would have never gone here if it wasn't for this giveaway and it was a great trip. I left on Friday after work with my family and really enjoyed the beginning of the drive. This first pic is Mt. Myogi from our car. Any drivers coming from Tokyo will see it on a clear day awesome mountain. When we got to our pension there wasn't much snow on the ground but I woke up to this. d 70 cm of snow made driving to the resort a problem. I spent about 10 minutes trying to
  21. Hello fellow snowdwellers I'm heading to Ryuoo ski park very soon and would welcome/love any suggestions on decent places to stay for just one person. Meals included is a bonus but not required--really am just looking for some opinions on hotels that people felt were worth the money. Thank you!!
  22. I went up to Nagano's Tsugaike resort last weekend and they were having a discounted price if you are a resident of Nagano. I believe it continues until the end of the month. It was around a 600 yen discount. So not too much but, hey thats basically a free lunch.
  23. After a good 6 years of use, my snowshoes have finally died I am looking to replace them ASAP as I use them often. I usually order my stuff from the States, but before I order looking to see if any SnowJapaners in Japan have a spare set they would be willing to sell. Looking for compact ones around 22 inches in length, as I carry them on my pack when I ride/tour. Heel lift bar for ascents would be nice, but not essential. MSR Evo Ascent, Evo Tour, Lightning Ascent or Lightning Axis would all be perfect. Does anyone have snowshoes to sell? Please let me know ASAP. Cheers!
  24. This report is a little late but I've been busy boarding and now only starting to get through the backlog of trip reports. Hakuba 27-29 December 2012 27th December 2012 Resort: Hakuba Goryu and 47 Snow condition: Compacted snow on groomed runs. About 20cm or more of powder on the sides of the groomed runs. The overall snow condition was very nice. The temperature was very low which kept the snow light and fresh. Weather: As I said the temperature was very low. On the drive up I saw a -12 on one of the signs on the side of the road so up the top of the mountain it was ver
  25. I visited Madarao Kogen for the first time in awhile last weekend. The snow conditions were good. The website has a good coupon for a full day all-mountain (Madarao + Tangram) plus lunch. This coupon was nice, since most of the area I enjoy is on the Tangram side. As a boarder, I noticed how I was outnumbered by skiiers. Still, the resort was much less crowded (for a Saturday) than places like Happone and Nozawa. There are a few key runs - with hardly any people on them - that made it worth it. One is powder wave (kind of on the border of the two mountains, you need to use a Madarao
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