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Everything posted by RobBright

  1. My god - how I HATE some people on this site. Nice pics, lets hope the temp drops some more in the next few weeks.
  2. both of you I think actually from the AU site What are the calling charges for the Call Forwarding Service (Unconditional Transfer) ? Call Forwarding Service can be suspended free of charge if this operation is made through the mobile phone menu or dialing **21 or ##21 (however, switching service on or off with remote operation and dialing 81-90-4444-1424 incurs a charge). Calls actually forwarded are charged the same rate as if you were in Japan and are therefore charged the standard rate from Japan to wherever the call is forwarded to.
  3. Russell brand is a cock - so he should be sacked for that. Wossy - hmm - should know better.
  4. Originally Posted By: Hokkaidough I wish I could do that with my dad. We don't not get on but it's not quite that kind of relationship though. When it first happened, we were both like that. Think the years of troubles and problems had built up and it did take time - we can both be stubborn and neither of us likes to admit we're wrong or done something stupid. However, it started off with small concessions, me asking him if he wanted a beer out, him talking about some of my interests, us having a drinking session, birth of my nephew, etc. Then one day, coming down to breakfast just
  5. Originally Posted By: Mamabear Between the ages of 13 and 21 I think my mother hated me! Which mother doesn't hate their TEENAGER!
  6. If anything, once you don't depend on your parents, you find out that you need them more than ever. I didnt resent my parents when I was growing up, but that sense of control ie their house, their rooms, did hinder our relationship. Now that has gone - I find myself talking to them more as close friends and going out for beers with my dad whenever I go back.
  7. Do: 'board, windsurf, rugby, squash and football watch: 'board, rugby, football, F1, K-1, pretty much all really.
  8. SNOOOOOOOOOOOWW!! Whoo hoo! In Yoko' its about 23c today so no chance of snow here but will keep you all informed on the edge of your seats .
  9. When the missus said "I want to look zexy" - coffee did come out of my nose.
  10. Have you read zexy (ゼクシー)? It's a Japanese wedding magazine that has pretty much every place in Japan. Just be warned - its effing large - this month's copy has about 1400 pages.
  11. The thing that annoyed me last night from the reporting is how much they waxed on about Chelsea and Man Utd and how Liverpool had beaten them and that they were their only challengers. Would love it if Arsenal DESTROY liverpool.
  12. Originally Posted By: bobby12 YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! That was sweet. And we outplayed them. And we could have had 2 or 3 more... 4.5 years unbeaten at stamford bridge... outplayed them? hmm debatable - were we watching the same game?
  13. Yep - heard the same story too - due to such a high concentration of stores in some areas - they were battling each other for profits, in turn, ironically reducing them.
  14. Liverpool win 1 - 0 Now for Arsenal (COME ON!) vs West ham
  15. just had a double espresso with homemade brownie - I know not healthy but need to get my energy up for the boarding season
  16. Coffee - love the stuff - espresso, latte, cappucino, black, with milk, large or small. Funny thing is, before I came to Japan, I hated the stuff. :S Also just a quick heads up, for those that like coffee, and sorry SJ if this is not allowed, but Kaldi Import Shop has 50% coffee until the end of today (Sunday 26th)
  17. Ramos has gone! Thats gonna be an interesting redundancy package there considering his salary he was on. And of course the period of confusion for the players will hopefully mean more losses.
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