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Everything posted by 9015peter

  1. Mantas, I spent all the weekends in my younger years at one mile caravan park. We spent a lot of time surfing the beach break at boaty(can't remember the name) and morna. They were the good ol days.
  2. Don't think I saw you. My arms were jelly after a 2 hour surf this morning and duckdiving at least 20 waves on the paddle out this arvo. I only lasted about an hour and a half but got 2 bombs on the point. Geez the crowd shits me. Must have paddled for 10 waves with someone on the inside. Looks like it will be SE tomorrow so am glad I got some good ones today
  3. I will be wearing blue boardies and a white t shirt
  4. Just got back from surfing 4-5ft redhead. Some real nice lefts peeling off the point with just a light NE blowing. Pretty crowded though
  5. Where is that video from. Is that boulders
  6. Originally Posted By: Domokun_72dpi mamaBear said it in one. Courtesy. there's not enough of this going around. mama, I feel bad for you having an ignorant jerk in front. Also, really, do you need to MSG someone, and talk crap?, I mean, really, who gives a $H*^ that you're on a plane? leave Messaging to drunken people, and Shayne Warne
  7. New years eve and new years day are looking promising for some serious pow. The forecast is still a while away, but if it does come off
  8. Originally Posted By: thursday Number 2 sucks too as it has no snow making facilities and they are totally dependant on overseas visitors. WTF As soon as it gets cold it starts snowing and rarely stops. Why would they need it when they have had 200cm= already
  9. No, wrong again. He did fight a mayweather but it was floyds uncle, roger mayweather
  10. Sorry. I got zab judah and mayweather mixed up. They have the same personality which confused me
  11. Well, Kostya punched Mayweather into another world, then hatton did the same to Kostya. I know this does not mean much but I hope ricky knocks the shit out of the bloke
  12. Burton P1. I will never ride with anything else after buying these last year
  13. You are probably better off staying away from niseko if you are an advanced rider. Niseko is flat if you believe some, so you would be best to head down to haks and stay with Wayne Kerr
  14. "world's worst greenhouse gas emitter on a per capita basis". If we had another 100 million people in Australia we probably would not be on the list
  15. Originally Posted By: ausi ski bum Sheilas is of course one of those real Aussie terms no one actually uses any more. You might not use it ASB but its at the top of my list
  16. Chicks are cool,Sheilas are way better
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