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About swordsman

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  1. I saw that today, I agree terrible lighting. None of them looked that incredible. The one that won though was probably the best choice. I think I prefer last years Japan winner though (when the lighting is right!)
  2. I have a big collection of tapes - many from when I was a teen. There's a lot of memories tied up in there. My car still has a tape machine too so I play some of them from time to time.
  3. I live and work in Tokyo, after spending 4 years in Osaka.
  4. I have spent time in both places and I generally prefer Akita. There are some extremely pretty areas up there, nice area, lots of really really inaka countryside. Do you want the pretty inaka or near to a big city like Morioka?
  5. Probably timed it well with the less than great general conditions this last season, but I was out of Japan a fair bit (family & work) and so didn't have the most chances to get out to the mountains.
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