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Everything posted by Tesselator

  1. Quote: Originally posted by Indosnm: Quote: Originally posted by Tesselator: I noticed that noone mentioned torrentspy http://torrentspy.com/ . I use only Thepiratesbay and Torrentspy. They seem to have a lot of stuff between the two. What's a good one for Mac software? Azureus is the best for Mac. No I mean what's a good torrent SITE for mac software? Thepiratesbay and Torrentspy have some stuff but it's VERY slim pickings!
  2. Bushpig, The way I think to do it is to DL the move you want in only English and then go to that site that has like every language for every film available. Can't remember the name but with some searching it should be easy to find. The same place also has the CD and package pictures if you wanna print them up and make them all spiffy.
  3. I think it depends on your salary, and your financial goals (to do with saving I mean). If you're on a teacher's salary here in Japan (which is what? Less than Y300,000 usually) and wanna cruse home with a bank roll after a year you better eat nothing but noodles - watching those pennies is a must. If you have a good job in tech here which is about 600,000 ~ 1,000,000 yen a month average, then it's not so important and the extra 30,000 yen a month you might or might not spend for "the good stuff" seems to have less meaning. Just a guess though - people are creatures of habit.
  4. Pie-eater, For excellent pie-dough it's just sifted flour, salt and lard - yeah, and a little water. Roll with a rolling pin, place in pie-tin, add sliced apples (no sugar), and a sprinkling of cinnamon - cover with dough lattice and bake, will make you an awesome apple pie! You have to put about twice as many apple slices as what looks right. They cook down.
  5. Pie-eater, Yes! Actually it does! Think about a thick slice of tomato, a CRISP leaf or two of lettuce, a thin slice of FRESH onion, REAL mayonnaise, add the avocado and yes that dull bland meat between a bun gains new life! Actually becomes yummy! Griller, Yup! I do that allot. I also add red chilly peppers (HOT!) to the mix to spice it up! There is a mix you can buy in the store that has dill and some other seasonings already in it that might taste a little better to you than straight vinegar. Shrug. For me jane: yeah, 30min to 1/2 a day will do ya! Or so says the instructi
  6. Yeah, they did a pretty ok job of comping that up.
  7. It's corn oil. And it molds quick enough I can tell you that without doubt. Also I can tell you that ants eat it fine - the little bastards! Anyway the heart desease junk and other scares about margarine are a myth. Butter is a totally different story though! That shite will kill ya!
  8. Yup.. use them all the time.. Actually my F9 key is worn completely off. That and my "D" key. F9 is preview render in Lightwave and D is strife right in Quake and other FPS multiplayer games. My F1 and F2 are starting to look a little faint as well. They're for things like centering the 3D view also in LightWave3D.
  9. Good news f Jef, thanks. It used to be free from within iTunes as a podcast. I wonder if that will go back up too then?
  10. I noticed that noone mentioned torrentspy http://torrentspy.com/ . I use only Thepiratesbay and Torrentspy. They seem to have a lot of stuff between the two. What's a good one for Mac software? I seem to notice a lack of it one the above two mentioned.
  11. Kids with construction helmets riding bicycles. Women on the street begging to give you a massage. Gungaro style makeup (That's the really white faces with the tan looking eyes). Japanese police chasing the bosozoku up and down the street but never catching them. President Bush.
  12. I guess they detected an external link t thier image or somehting. It was a truck with about 60 or 70 kids in the back and the truck was over on two wheels about to tip over - with all the kids jumping out onto the road. Maybe this works.. http://www.glowfoto.com/users3/Soviyet/view.php?page=2&aid=13883 Oh, nope. they took down the image all together. But the thumbnail is still there... weird! http://img3.glowfoto.com/images/2007/02/14-1156046303T.jpg
  13. It's faked by compositing tricks though. It's absolutly NOT real. We'er talking about the bomb surfer right?
  14. Here's a few of mine: ------- Banana Toast! Toast some bread, Heavy with the margerine. To spite what some health nuts would have you believe margerine is good for you. It reduces cholesterol. Anyway then mash a banana with a fork and spread the banana on the buttered toast. Yummy! If you want it extra yummy place it all back into the toaster for another minute or so to heat the banana part. Ummm that's assumming you have a toaster-oven type toaster. Banana Toast Rocks!!! . . . . . ----- Avacado toast made the same way but without the heating-of-the-toppi
  15. But Fox News doing a satire wouldn't be funny at all. For satie to work you need to take the source seriously. Who in their right mind believes anything that Fox says or takes them seriously? For my Right Wing Satire I'll stick with The Colbert Report. Bill Maher ain't too bad either. Hey, is Bill off the air now or will he start up again soon?
  16. Wow! Who the heck are those people? I know less than one tenth of those names. The rest might as well be the names of cocktails in a gay persian sports bar for wild game hunters. Seriously, I feel like I just stepped into another dimention. Would the average high schooler in california know many more of these names?
  17. I'm always shocked at what people will pay for insurance. I pay $40 a month for me and 4 kids. See this is what I love about Japan. I walk into the ward office after recieving a bill saying that our insurance it going to start being about $200 a month or something crazy like that and tell the guy (nicely) that I don't want to pay that much. "How much do you want to pay?" he asks. "About $40 (Y5000) a month." says me. "Why?" asks he. "Cuz that's too much and I need to save money for my kid's education. I spent all our savings on miracle cancer cures even though none of them wor
  18. http://www.thetalentshow.org/archives/001850.html
  19. Thanks for the Welcome Crisp-Dewd, Curt too man! That feels good. No need to be sorry though. Death is just a part of life. Just a transition. Most of us "want" things to be different than they currently are for us. For example I know I not only want to have my wife here with us but I also want to be rich and own an island with Skiing and Surfing and easy access roads to both. There would be two of every animal (exccept mosquitos!!), hot babes, and nacho-cheese stands every quarter mile along the beach, 24/7 awesome swell and no sharks! Instant push-button pizza m
  20. Ummm... that's composited guys... It's not real you know... Oo
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